Chemistry //Xavier Woods

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The New Day sat backstage watching the new girl wrestle her match. She was set against Nia Jax. Mia was an extremely tough opponent, so they were all on the edge of their seats.

The new girl? Her name was Asia. To say she was beautiful is not even the half of it. The girl was drop dead gorgeous. You'd think she'd walk around like she owns the place, but nope - she's just as shy as ever. That's how she got herself into this predicament. Nia Jax wanted to prey who she thought was the weakest link.

Her devious plan failed her as the ref counted.




The boys jumped out of their seats. "LET'S GOOOOO!!!" Xavier Cheered. From the time he'd first saw her, he'd catch himself thinking about her. Until those small thoughts led him to develop a small crush on her...then a small crush turned into a big crush - and the guys constantly teased him for it.

"You you would be this happy right now." Kofi teased, smirking at his friend.

"Ugh shut the hell up bro." Xavier shot back, rolling his eyes at his friend. Kofi patted his best friends back. "You need to go talk to her bro."

"Here she comes." Big E cut in. Xavier looked up and surely enough, she was walking toward them, high fiving the people who were lined up to congratulate her on her win. Sighing, he walked up to her, anxiety creeping up his back.

She stopped in her tracks, her face heating up looking at the taller man. Now, she'd also had a crush on him too. Being as though she was a fan, she'd watched him in The New Day and admired his humor.

"Hey.." Xavier whispered, hot in the face as well.


"Congrats on the match. You're a really good wrestler." He complimented. Kofi was the flirt, not him. If you couldn't tell, he sucked at it.

" really think so?" She replied.

"Yeah! You have like one of the best dropkicks I've seen in a while!" He giggled, beginning to ease up.

The two chatted for a good thirty minutes. It felt like they'd known each other for a lifetime after this. Both their crushes skyrocketed as they made each other laugh.

Then, he decided to just go for it.

"Hey, would you maybe want to go out sometime?" He said confidently.

Her eyes widened. Did Xavier Woods just..ask her on a date??? THE FUCK?!

"S-sure! I'd love that!"

His shoulders relaxed at her answer. Exhaling he made his reply. "Alright, tomorrow at six?"

"Tomorrow at six." She replied before they parted ways.


Asia jumped as she heard a knock on her hotel door. "Whew here we go." She mumbled as she went to open the door.

When she opened the door she was met with a smiling Xavier, his hair slicked back into a low ponytail. Asia made a mental note to ask later what edge control he used cuz GIRL.

"Ready beautiful?" He asked softly. Asia nodded, stepping out so they could begin their date.

They were in Vegas for WWE Live so they decided to get drinks. Like grown adults do :)

He pulled her seat out for her and thus they began to get to know each other.

During this date, Xavier found out a lot of things about her, one being the group chat she was still in to this day that she'd been in for years.

"Wait so, there's like a group chat where y'all talk about wrestling?" He questioned, intrigued as ever.

"Oh honey we talk about wayyyyyyy more but you didn't hear it from me.." she chuckled. (Not you selling us out Asia)

As the night progressed, the pair got drunker and drunker. But they didn't care. There was like this mutual trust between them that they just knew they could trust each other even in this drunken state.

Although, Asia was 100x more drunk than Xavier was.

"We gotta go, you're shitfaced" he laughed, slightly slurring. "NO! I want more !!" She slurred into his face.

"Absolutely not, let's go." He said, taking her hand in his and leading her out of the bar. He decided he was too drunk to drive all the way back to the hotel, so they just ended up crashing in his backseat.

He made sure to make things as comfortable as possible for her as she'd be extremely sick the next morning.

While the two eased into each others bodies, Asia lifted her head to look into his eyes. She just stared into them. Not really knowing what she was looking for. One thing she did know was that his eyes were extremely beautiful - and that she wanted to kiss him.

Glancing down at his lips, she leaned in. As if I'm a trance, so did he - and their lips connected.

They made out in his back seat, like they'd never do it again. Their chemistry was almost instant, and Asia in her drunken state wanted to take things further.

"More..." she whispered when she pulled away. He again looked into her eyes searching to see if she was dead serious.

Now, he meant to tell her away because they were drunk, but instead of saying "let's just sleep." He said "Let's do it."

She smirked as she threw her legs over his lap, pressing her lips back onto hers.

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