Chapter 37. Battle For Kamino Ward

Start from the beginning

Letting out a loud hiss, it charged at Izuku and tried to bite him, but Izuku dodged the bite and drove his fist into it and sent the massive 70 foot long creature flying a ways.

Shaking its head, it let out another hiss before digging back into the ground.

"Oh no you do-" Izuku was cut off when it popped out of the ground and before he could dodge it completely, it managed to cut him, poisoning him.

Gritting his teeth in pain, Izuku opened up his flame wings and flew up in the air to gain some distance, he then forced a tear out which hit his wound and began to heal it.

"Thank kami I can still do that" he said while he started to think up a plan to either capture or kill this creature.


"DOUBLE TEXAS SMASH!!!" All Might threw two massive punches at All For One, with the villain using his air cannon along with a couple other quirks to block the attack.

"It truly is amazing how you are still this strong All Might... not that it matters in the end, I shall win even if I loose this battle" said All For One with a grin under his helmet.

"No, after today you will rot in jail and we shall dismantle your league and everyone that works with and for you" said All Might before he dashed forward.

Seeing him coming, All For One lifted his hand and a invisible force grabbed All Might for a mere moment, he was about to fling him away, but All Might broke out of it and moved In closer.

"Hahaha how bout this one?" Brining his arm upwards quickly before All Might got to him, a massive wall of flames exploded to life, blocking him.

Just as fast as these flames appeared they were destroyed by a single Detroit Smash before All Might moved in and dodged a punch from All For One.

"NEW YORK SMASH!!" The blow connected to All For One's head, shattering the helmet and cracking his jaw, though it healed almost instantly. "I see you got a new quirk!".

"Indeed I did, you can never be to careful when facing you" said All For One.

"Well it won't do you any good, I'm used to flame quirks!!" Said All Might as he dashed forward.

"Spearlike bones, springlike limbs, kinetic booster!" Massive drill like bones shot out of his knuckles as he punched All Might and tore 4 massive holes into the heroes stomach.

All Might coughed up blood but he didn't budge, thinking quickly he grabbed All For One's shoulders and reared his head back "NUT CRACKER SMASH!!!" He swung his head as fast as he could and smashed it into All For One's skull which rattled the villains brain and sent him flying.

"Ugh that hurt... well Gran Torino did always say I have more bone than brain in my head..." said All Might.

All For One stood up and felt his healing quirks activate and begin to heal his cracked and caved in skull along with his frontal lobe of his brain.

"When people say use your head, they don't mean that" said All For One in annoyance.

"You sure? It seemed to work pretty well given your current state" said All Might.

"Air Cannon!".


"Flame Wall" Izuku created a huge wall of flames which blocked the escape of the basilisk towards civilians. The creature was trying to escape him now given his new strategy that is just wearing it down with a never ending stream of fire and powerful punches that have more than likely broken a massive amount of its bones.

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