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Impatiently, I await Thamara's presence. It's past 12 'o' clock but there's no trace of her till now. She possesses no punctuality and though I'm quite irritated, I acknowledge the struggle and risk embedded with the venture of sneaking out of the house at midnight and calm down myself.

Another few moments pass by and the time is now 12.35 am. Yet again, Thamara didn't appear and I was disappointed. Even so, I choose to wait and recline on the ground while leaning my back against a tree trunk.

The coconut garden is embraced by the shadowy and silver-ish hands of the moonlight and the breeze blowing across the earth feels much chillier. Tilting my head back, I close my eyes and wait for Thamara...

Moments past, as I wake up to the sounds of chaos, I sleepily run a hand down my face and was stunned when the sunlight tickled my eyes at its re-open. What? How did the night pass so quickly? And why has my Thamara failed to meet me in the coconut garden? Lastly, why the hell do I sense some mishaps happening in our houses?

Swiftly standing up, I rush out of the grove, hissing myself for dozing off out in the grove! Upon reaching the backyard of my home, I enter through the unlocked door and walk to the front.

I was utterly confused when I scrutinize the tensed environment that prevails in the veranda of our home.

"What happened?" I ask, catching everyone's attention. They lend me a range of reactions ranging from anger to relief and I was left to ponder upon their varied expressions. What did I do?

"Where in the world did you go? We couldn't find you in the morning and you have never gone anywhere without informing us. You have also kept this mobile in your room, cutting our chances to reach out to you!" My mother booms and I blink, understanding what has occurred here.

They thought that I had gone missing!!

"Gosh Mom, I was just out in the coconut grove," I walk towards my mom and embrace her to soothe her tensed self.

"What were you doing there?" Waiting for my wife who unfortunately hadn't appeared all night. Raising my eyes, I regard Thamara. She is prevailing behind her mom with her gaze lowered to the ground. Must be feeling guilty for having let her husband wait a night in the grove. I wasn't bitter over her but was disheartened at the opportunity we lost to interact with each other. I have to return to the city in the evening and I wouldn't really get much alone time to spend with her.

Besides that, I'm upset that we haven't relished our second night too.

"I sleepwalked I guess," I say to my mom while pulling away from the hug. She gives me a dubious look.

"So that's why the back door was unlocked!" One of my athai chirps. "Yes," I admit, nodding my head.

"Then that is all it is! God, we were so scared mama..." Riddhu mutters and I send her an assuring smile for which she smiles back merrily.

Forthwith, everyone dispersed to their respective houses except Thamara. She was fiddling with her fingers nervously. "Come in and freshen up," my mother pats my head and goes into the home, leaving me alone with Thamara.

Sauntering closer to her, I let a decent distance to stay between us. "I'm sorry mama," she looks up, remorsefully. "I accidentally kept the alarm for 12pm instead of 12 am," I offer her a blank stare to scare her.

"Mama..." I lift my palm and pause her words. "Do you know the amount of mosquito bites that I had to endure throughout the night while waiting for you? Do you know how scary the night was? It was so dark but I still remained there in the hope of seeing you. Also, I heard some anklet noises and I literally was petrified! Yet Thamara yet, I didn't move from my place cause..." I give a melancholy and dramatic look to her before finishing the made-up scenario.

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