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Never did I ever think that everything would settle so smoothly on its own. I was stressing out myself the past day while speculating about the possible alternatives that I could choose to quit Thamara's marriage, hence heeding about Maithili and Velu eloping away came off as quite a shocking news to me. However, when I heard the complete information regarding Maithili's love tale, I understood her perspective...yet I was angry at Velu for using Thamara as bait to get to Maithili.

And considering my Thamara's insecurities, I knew she wouldn't be feeling delighted which is why I deliberately neglected speaking of what Velu and Maithili had done to Thamara and instead tried to cheer up her mood by focusing on the bright side of Maithili's action.

Then I immediately began my journey to the Village. The condition in which I saw my family the moment I entered the lounge was still haunting my brain. The amount of sadness that resided on their faces was unbearable.

I was pondering on how to pacify them when my eyes found Thamara's. Her action was totally unpredicted. Yet I couldn't help but hold her within my arms. I could literally feel her genuine despair in that short time of having her against my chest.

Initially, I didn't bother about the elder's reaction to our affection as it's only natural for Thamara to get emotional upon seeing her cousin and vent it out on him. But then an idea popped into my head when my gaze stretched around the elders...they were all offering a thoughtful and positive look and only a fool would miss such a golden opportunity.

Thus I seized the chance when it presented itself willingly to me and proposed Thamara to marry me. I was relieved at her answer which I obviously anticipated.

Following that, the ladies in my family kept me busy and engaged. Though I so desperately wanted to meet my Thamara, I was given no choice but to put up with the ladies...

And at night, I slipped away from them to speak with my Thamara. Unfortunately, she was deep in slumber and I kissed her forehead and cheeks before descending to the lounge again...not having the heart to disturb her sleep.

On the succeeding day, everyone was behaving almost normally except for Maithili's parents who indeed needed time to swallow in their daughter's deed. I spent my early morning chatting with her father and the pain his voice held while he spoke about Maithili would even make a cold-hearted person stumble.

I don't think they will ever forgive Maithili and I will never do so either, for she had not just betrayed her parents but used and hurt my Thamara for their so-called love.

Later on, I made myself comfortable in my in-law's home and teased and watched as my Thamara left for her college. "Athai...is it okay to let her out now?" I ask as I see the fading figure of Thamara.

"People are going to badmouth either way, Deva. She must learn to endure it or ignore it," I gulp at Athai's words. 

Thamara is a bold girl but will she be able to withstand the taunts of this society?

A few minutes later, we had our breakfast and I was retreating to my home when I took in Thamara walking to her house. The anguish was apparent in her tear-stained face and I lurk behind her as she enter her dwelling.

"Thamara," She doesn't spare me a look and runs upstairs to her room. I follow her behind worriedly but she locks the door from inside.

"Thamara," I knock on the door, feeling my heart crush at her action.
"Open the door Thamara...let me in," I say softly, and I know she is listening to me...

"Thamara, I have to get back to the city today. Just let me talk to you..." I loathe even the thought of entering that office again where those two fuckers are but I have no other option. Harsh tried contacting me oftentimes and I eventually blocked his number. As for Iniya, the girl hadn't made any move to talk to me and honestly, I wish she could carry on with the same.

The sound of the key turning resonates and spontaneously, the door parts to its sides as Thamara holds it open.

Intruding, I bolt the door and swirl to meet Thamara who has her head bowed down. "Their remarks were too bad mama," she complains, her eyes abyss with pain.

"Tune it out of our head Thamara. Their words are irrelevant. Those jobless ugly-minded people will forget about this and start gossiping when another hot news comes by! They are not worth your time nor your mere consideration Thamara. Don't take their comments to your heart...try to wipe it out of your brain," I advise as I cup her cheeks.

"Seri (okay) mama, I will try, but you won't leave me right...like Velu did?" I furrow my eyebrows slightly at her query. "I won't Thamara," I brush my lips with hers and softly kiss her.

"I'm still scared mama," she murmurs against my lips. "What do you want me to do to gain your trust ma?" She shrugs slowly. "I trust you mama but I just am getting very paranoid," she falls against my chest and hugs me tightly.

"I'm not calling you pondati (wife) for fun Thamara. I mean it when I mention you with it. I see you as my wife Thamara," I pat her hair delicately while blurting out my feelings. She sniffs and looks up at me.

"Mama...I don't like how everything is proceeding. It's as If you have given life to a pathetic girl whose fiance eloped away out of sympathy. None knows that you love me and they think that you have proposed marriage to save me from the embarrassment...and probably because no other guy ever will marry me. It doesn't sit well with me mama..." I shake my head, disapprovingly.

"Thamara...you know that's not the truth right? I asked you to marry me amidst all those elders because I am in love with you! Not out of sympathy or anything! I hadn't been aware that this would have possessed the capacity to hurt you Thamara but believe me ma, I just used the chance when it appeared and hadn't intensively thought about the same. I'm sorry ma. I want you Thamara and I did what seemed right at that moment," I plop an apologizing kiss on her lips.

"I love you, mama," and I plant my lips on her again, clutching her waist and deepening the kiss.

Thamara jerks as I bury my head onto her neck and deposit wet kisses all over the sensitive region. "Mama..." She gasps breathlessly and I raise my head, licking her lower lip as I watch her enticingly heaving chest.

She certainly has well-developed and appealing breasts and I just can't help but be mesmerized by its seductive beauty.

"Mama...enga paakureenga..."(Where are you looking at) she squirms and I stare into her eyes with a mischievous smile.

"Che...veliya ponga!" (Ew....get out!) I chuckle as she unlocks the door and pushes me out, glaring at me before again shutting it back.


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