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Momentarily, I speak with my parents as usual and prepare my dinner. Bread omelette and a glass of wine. Following that, I settle on my bed and browse through my laptop to watch any movies. But no movies are up to my liking nowadays and hence I opted to watch a horror movie named 'The Dark'.

While watching so, my phone pings with a message. Extending my hand, I fetch the mobile from the side table and frown at the unknown number who has sent me a 'hi'.

Clicking onto the notification bar, I was directly taken to the messenger.
I tap on the profile and see a 'Gucci' brand handbag laying.

Huh? Confused, I respond to the sender with a 'Who are you?' and the reply comes swiftly. "The one that blessed your cheek with a kiss, remember?" I raise my eyebrows as I catch on to the identity of the person.

"Iniya?" I type away while she responds with an 'Indeed'. And then unexpectedly, she contacts me. Honestly, I'm not in the mood to converse but I didn't want to hurt her, hence so, I attend her call and put it to my ear while quickly pausing the movie playing on the laptop.

"Did you feel something?" Feel what? What is she on about? "Are you high or something?" I ask as I lean my head on the headboard.

"No, I'm just asking about the kiss. I felt sparks, just wanted to know If you had the same feeling," scrunching my face, I sigh a breath before muttering, "Good night," and I disconnected the call.

I would have played along If it were one of my cousins. But not this girl who gives me terrible vibes.

Afterward, I put my phone on silent and continue to watch the horror movie. It was pretty good considering the low ratings!


On the next day, when I was working, Iniya comes to me and slings her hand around my shoulder. "Hey," she says casually as If the previous day's incident of me cutting her call halfway hadn't happened at all. Wouldn't a normal human being feel a bit of embarrassment? I wonder how she has the guts to even face me.

"There's this fancy restaurant down the street, would you be interested to accompany me there after office hours?" Harsh, who was perched right opposite to me in his cabin, he perks his head up with a surprised and aggrieved expression.

The other few colleagues of mine do the same whereas I just shrug off her hand and offer her a indifferent look.
"I'm busy," she clicks her tongue and speaks up, "You are the only person who has ever rejected me," rolling my eyes, I stare at her, flatly. "Is that so?" She nods her head and smiles.

"You are really fascinating," Darting my eyes away from her, I focus on the computer screen again.

With the irritating sound of the heels crashing against the floor, she leaves and I shake my head slightly at her behavior.

Subsequently, during break time, I  arrive at the canteen along with my annoying best friend who is pursuing me to date Iniya. "You are the most stupidest male on this earth, Deva! You have got a whole package and you still are denying it...I can't express how disappointed I'm with you," he dramatically says and sighs when I don't reply back. Dismissing his existence, I order a coffee and hunch on one of the chairs beside Lali.

"Are the rumours true Deva? Did Iniya really ask you out?" Sighing, I give her a long look which renders her understand my mood. "Seriously? You aren't interested in her?" I shake my head negatively.

"Well...that was quite surprising. All the bachelors here are desperate to get her attention. It's disgusting," Lali hisses and proceeds to blabber about the same.

I zone out when her essay gets lengthier but snap out of it at the floor-shattering sound. Those damn heels are getting on my nerves!

"Shameless prick!" Lali growls as she witnesses Harsh checking out Iniya's huge posterior. "Why do guys like that?" Lali lays her head on my arm and whines. "It's attractive" She abruptly looks up at me with a displeased face. "All guys are the same!Ugh!" She straightens herself and stands with a huff.

"I wish aliens are here already. I would be so glad to marry one of them," I laugh out at her words and tug her to sit beside me.

She cackles along with me and soon, our coffee comes by. While having it, we chat about anything and everything until Iniya sits next to me with her hand on my thigh. Lali notices it and her eyes go wide at Iniya's action.

"Move your hand!" I utter sternly and she obliges with a little tremble. "I'm sorry..." She suddenly becomes dull and leaves my side.

She is strange!

"Woah, she is something..." Lali amuses. And for the rest of the office hours, she didn't approach me. However, as I was wrapping up to exit the office, she again comes to talk to me.

"I apologize for disturbing you earlier today. I really like you. Why don't you give me a chance?" She queries sweetly. "No, I'm not interested in dating," Her eyes become dull at my words. "Why don't you just try dating once...?" I shake my head at her.

"Please.." She pleads and pouts her lips at me. I would have fallen for it If I'm not already so used to it by my cousins flirting with me.

"Since you are so bent on dating me, I might consider it," I smile at her whereas she has a full-blown beam on her lips.


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