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At this late night, I and Iniya are hunched inside the theatre while watching a horror movie named 'IT 2'. Turns out that she is a great fan of horror genres as well.

It's cozy to be with her. The previous awkwardness I felt wasn't there anymore.

"Have you watched the first part? I cried a river when the little brother of the lead was killed by the clown," she says dully while leaning her head on my arm. "Yeah, I did watch the first part. That scene was pretty sad." I respond calmly as I proceed watching the movie on the screen.

"You smell great," she says in a whisper and intertwines her fingers with me. "Credits to fog," I shrug, striving to get used to her touchiness.

"You use that cheap product?" She gives me a surprised look. "Huh? You yourself told that it smells great though," I reply with a frown on my face.

"But now that I know it's fog, it doesn't smell nice anymore," I offer her a dubious stare. "You should use Dior Sauvage men's perfume! It is one of the best brands out there and its fragrance is just so seductive..." She dreamily mumbles.

Although irked by her materialistic words, I stay unserious. But then again, a question rose inside my head. "How would you know about it?" She suddenly becomes nervous. "I have a male friend who uses it. Derived the perfume's information from him," she speaks hurriedly and refuses to look into my eyes yet her hold tightens around my fingers. That's odd.

And for the rest of the movie, we both just remained silent. It wasn't uncomfortable, thus, it was endurable. Once the movie came to an end, we both walk out to the parking lot with Iniya clinging to my arm.

"Deva.." she trails off.

"Yeah?" I respond nonchalantly.

"Have you ever kissed a girl before?" She asks as soon as we attain our vehicles. "No," I state the truth with a shrug. "So do you want to kiss a girl now?" Understanding the hint behind her words, I silently shift away and hop on my bike.

"I'm not in a hurry Iniya. Besides, we have all the time in the world to do that..." Unknown to her, I see her rolling her eyes through the side mirror on my bike. Huh?

Quickly, her reaction changes into a soft one. "Fine Deva..." Saying that she saunters to her scooter.

Before excusing myself, I wait for her scooter to move past mine. "Be safe," I say as she overrides me. "Sure, good night!" She yells and disappears out the entrance.

Sighing, I start my bike and go about my way...

The subsequent day, Iniya doesn't attend the office but had messaged me in the morning about the same. She texted that she was undergoing unbearable cramps and needed rest.

Presently, I'm at the cafeteria and I can't help but feel unsettled at Iniya's traits. She seems to hide something from me and comes off as a two-faced person.

"Deva, help me get rid of this parasite," Harsh drops next to me with an irritated sigh while Lali sits on my other side, appearing furious.

"You willingly invited this parasite Harsh," she bites back and I sigh at their taunts. "Guys...you are adults! Speak as such and solve your issues yourself!" I embark onto stand, but Lali holds onto my hand.

"Deva please..." her emotions-filled eyes rendered me alter my decision and I sit back on, reluctantly.

"I need to know If this is the end..." She says to me and obviously, Harsh heed to it. "How many fucking times do I have to usher her the same!? I am not interested in her anymore," he speaks indirectly to Lali and leaves the place, irately.

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