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"Athai!" comes my Deva mama's voice as soon as I complete breakfast and start to prepare lunch along with my mom. "My sweet athai," my mother stays unresponsive as she stirs the dish in the pan.

She is extremely furious at him.

"Athai, won't you talk to me anymore?" He says in a heart-melting way which I guess failed to thaw my mother's one. Maybe my heart is just so vulnerable to his honeyed words.

I give him a quick glance and begin to chop the vegetable without looking his way. God knows what he is planning to do to me.

"Athai, I'm really sorry for behaving rudely. I realized my mistake now..." He trails off and my mother slowly turns to him. "You do?" She asks and he nods his head busily. He behaves so adorably to everyone but when it comes to me, he becomes a monster.

"All the other athais, uncles, and even cousins have forgiven me upon my apology." He speaks like a naive person and my mom has this about-to-forgive look on her face.

Well! How could anyone in our family not when he is the favorite person of everyone here? And in retrospect, they were not even angry with him, but disappointed. But I speculated that my cousins would give him cold shoulder for a long time. Nonetheless, it's not very surprising considering their pure nature. His one apologetic word is enough to wilt them.

"So have you changed your decision about...that city girl?" Deva mama smiles slightly. "Athai, she is a really likable girl. And she is very beautiful as you have always wanted my better half to be." My hands pause their actions at his harmless words. I'm aware that it's my insecurities playing their role but it hurts...

Only one thought borns in my head after heeding his statement. That is, If I'm extremely beautiful, I could have easily captivated him to me...

"Pch!" My mom hisses, displeased.

"Athai, trust your Deva!" He exclaims and that's all it takes for my mother to burst into a smile.

Diverting my eyes away from them, I proceed to cut the vegetable, my energy visibly drained.

"Athai, my mother was looking for you," Deva mama blurts out and I heed my mom exiting the kitchen by her fading footsteps.

As expected, Deva mama approaches me but I don't pay him any attention. "Why don't you chop more cautiously? The vegetable might get hurt, no?" He says sarcastically and in wrath, I start to cut the vegetable more harshly, unknowingly cutting my finger in the process.

"Amma!!" I hiss at the excruciating pain. But Deva mama moves me hurriedly to the sink and drags my blood-oozing finger to the faucet that produces water as mama opens it.

"Shouldn't you be more careful!?" He scolds as he stands behind me and aids to my finger. He is so close to me...and it feels as though he has embraced me from behind. Although it was not the case, I couldn't help but feel my heart fluttering recklessly.

Gulping, I tilt my eyes to his face which is inches away from mine. His concentration is entirely on my injury and I was left to study his manly features with a deteriorating soul.

"Does it hurt?" He questions while turning off the faucet and analyzing the cut. "It's quite deep," he speaks with a frown. "Where is the first aid kit?" He peeks into my eyes that has been already lost in his.

And we both just stand there, gazing at each other without a word uttered.
I suddenly felt insecure at our proximity and look down. What If he finds me hideous?

"It's in the store room. I will take care of this mama.." I attempt to retract my hands out of his grip but he doesn't allow it. Instead, he takes me out to the lounge and seats me on the couch, and saunters to the store room.

And only then did I acknowledge the searing pain! Gosh, it hurts. I was so invested in my mama that I totally forgot to even feel the pain!..

Once he comes back, he sits next to me and holds my finger. A small amount of blood still leaks out and mama cleans it delicately so that I wouldn't experience anguish.

However, when he begins to wrap the bandage, I exclaim in pain, "Mama! Valikuthu! (It hurts)" he looks up at me softly. "Sorry, but please bear. It only lasts for a few seconds," he speaks as If he is convincing a five-year-old kid and my mind immediately walks backward to our childhood days.

I sometimes forget that he is the same person who used to care for all of us profoundly.

"It's over!" I stare at him lovingly.

"Hm...are you falling for me?" He winks and I furrow my eyebrows at the return of his flirty self.

"Not in this lifetime mama! Besides, even If do fall for you, I'm sure you wouldn't accept me. You just want to satisfy your self-pride!" I hit back sternly and twitch my lips at him.

"Hence it is proved," he says and stands on his foot. "What?" I question, confusedly.

"You are the smartest among the girls," He chuckles and turns around to leave while I bow my head, internally crushed by his indirect rejection.

I always knew he would reject me but having him say it pains me to an unimaginable level that hot tears form and pours out of my eyes within meagre seconds.

Why do I love him so much when I clearly knew he isn't fated for me and will never love me back!?


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