'Snap out of it ' My consciousness prompted.

I managed to remove such thoughts and decided to enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. Then, I noticed an amused glint in Nicholas's eyes. " Red, you've got a little something on your face,' He chuckled, pointing to his chin. I quickly reached out for a napkin, but before I could, I felt a rough surface brushing against my skin. My heart skipped a beat, as I saw Nicolas wiping away the crumbs with gentle care. I looked at him, and for a moment, it seemed like he had forgotten what he had just done.

" Nicholas," I whispered, and he mumbled a response. His hand froze, and his eyes widened as he realized what he had done.

" Oh... I'm sorry," He said, his voice filled with nervousness. " It's just an old habit." He scratched his head, staring at everyone except me.

" Old habits?" I replied, tilting my head in curiosity. Nicholas seemed hesitant but eventually opened up." I used to do that to my mate but it was a long time ago," He explained, using words that piqued my interest.

Mate. Why does that sound so familiar? I can't quite place where I've heard it before.

" Mate? What's that?" I asked, genuinely curious. Nicholas's eyes were filled with uncertainty and a hint of hostility, but he signed heavily before answering." As a werewolf, I'm destined to have a mate. It's someone the moon goddess has chosen for me to be until well...eternity," He revealed. I sympathized with his situation, thinking it sounded rough and too harsh.

But he quickly corrected me, saying, " No, it's not like that having a mate is the most beautiful gift the moon goddess has given us wolves," He explained, trying to put it into more words. " It's a deep and powerful connection, a bond that goes beyond anything else. A mate is someone who understands you on a level that no one else can. They are your partner, your support, and your source of strength. It's a beautiful and profound experience to have someone by your side who's meant for you, through thick and thin. It's like finding your missing piece, completely you in a way that nothing else can," He paused, allowing his words to sink in for a moment before continuing I know it sounds strange to you since you've only experienced human life, but..." He paused again, his piercing blue eyes fixed on mine, filled with an indescribable emotion.

" But?" I whispered, urging to continue as though It was a secret I yearned to hear.

"To me, having a mate is the only thing keeping me alive" He confessed, his eyes filled with adoration and happiness of having his mate. His statement left me mixed with negative emotions - Sadness, broken, and heartbreak. His feelings about his mate only gave my conscience another reason why I couldn't be with him.

Because he is already in love with another. His mate

Unshed tears glistened in my eyes, preparing to pour out like a river any second from now. A reflection of my sadness that consumed me but I held it strong and decided to continue the discussion. "You said, it was a long time ago, do you mean the last time you saw her?" He nodded silently. "How long," I asked. His eyes grew distant, lost in the depths of his memories. I could see the turmoil etched on his face, the weight of his secret weighing him down.

" It's been ten years" He finally announced, a hint of fear swarming through his eyes as though he had been revealed a hidden secret.

" What! That long?" I exclaimed, trying to mask my surprise. " But wait isn't she not offended with you not seeing her for that long, I mean I know I would "

He sighed once more, "She doesn't know we are mates" He stated. Confusion filled my head as he said another bomb.

" But you said you guys used to hang out I'm so confused right now," He let out a frustrated snort before meeting my gaze again, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions. " I used to hang out with her, doesn't mean that she knew we were mates," He explained, questions filled my thoughts and I wanted to ask him for more details but stopped when I heard his next line.

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