The teenager protested. He tried to go back to bed, he tried to wiggle out of Atlas' grip. He really tried to get some sleep but he was too weak and settled on staying in the bath. It was almost just as relaxing. The Alpha carefully joined his mate, sitting behind him so Niel could rest a couple of minutes more.

While Niel lay in Atlas' arms more memories of their love night flashed through his mind. There were two things that surprised him the most: the noises he could make and how easily he submitted himself to Atlas.

The teenager buried his face into Atlas' chest, trying to shield his thoughts from embarrassment. "What's wrong?" The Alpha had taken the sponge and started to clean his mate in loving and caring strokes.


Atlas gently grabbed Niel's chin, tilting it up so their faces were only inches away from each other. "What's going on?" A sly smirk settled on his lips. The Alpha had a feeling what it was about, but he couldn't let this moment go to tease Niel, just a tiny bit.

Niel caved. "Thinking about last night..."

"Did last night?"

"Y-yeah," Niel silently mumbled.

"What was that?" The Alpha teased.

"Y-y-yeah," The teenager tried again.

"I am sorry, I can't hear-"

"Yes, I liked it all right!" Niel's cheeks flushed with a scarlet red. Atlas couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh, is that so? Well, anytime love. Anytime you attention I will be there for you," Atlas winked. The teenager groaned and buried his face again.

After twenty minutes of soaking the couple finally made the decision to get ready for the day. Niel had a hard time getting ready and needed Atlas' assistance multiple times. "How will I ever go downstairs in this condition?" When he was helped sitting down on the bed again after getting dressed.

"That's what you have me for, love," Atlas winked.

The teenager's eyes widened. "No, that will be a dead giveaway of what happened."

Atlas walked out of the walk-in closet, holding Niel's shoes in his hands. He couldn't help but laugh as he kneeled down in front of his mate. "Do you remember that knocking this morning?"

Niel furrowed his brows, trying to recall his memories of that morning. Faintly he could remember a noise, he didn't know if that was somebody knocking anymore.

"Well, Levi was at our door," Atlas continued while Niel was still thinking, "And I think he guessed by the looks and smells what happened last night. I also think that my cousin saw Levi running away." The Alpha chuckled at the memory. "So, my point is, I think people already know what happened."

Niel let himself fall on the bed and groaned. His hands covered his face.

"You know, I don't understand why humans put a taboo on mating, or sex, or lovemaking, or however you want to call it." Atlas stood up and leaned over Niel, putting his hands beside his head. "We as werewolves consider it as a healthy activity."

The teenager had put his hands of his face and was flustered by the closeness of his mate. Atlas grinned at him. "Mating is nothing to be embarrassed about, love," He kissed Niel's forehead and stood up again holding his hand out for Niel to take.

On wobbly and shaky legs Niel held for dear life Atlas' arm while walking to the dining room for brunch. Most packmembers who ate their meals at the packhouse had already eaten and left. The only people there were Levi – he would always come back for some more food – and Rain and Tyra were there as well plus two other members of the pack whom Niel didn't know their names of.

"Good morning everyone," Atlas greeted cheerfully. Levi looked up from his plate and smirked. "Well, well, well. The love birds have finally left the nest. And just so you know, Alpha, it's closer to good afternoon."

Niel's face flushed bright red again. He quickly tried to make his way to his seat to be out of the spotlight. Unfortunately for him, he forgot the state his body was in and the moment he sat down a dull pain flashed through his spine. A groan escaped from his lips.

Rain laughed and Levi tried with all his power not to stifle a laugh but had a hard time doing so, holding his hand in front of his mouth.

"Alright, alright, you both had your fun. Please give us some air before steam comes out of Niel's ears," Atlas scolded.

After Niel had something to eat he made his way to the kitchens to help with the preparations for the festival. Just as the women had assigned him a job Rain entered the kitchens. She made a b-line to the teenager and spoke in a hushed tone. "So, tell me. How was it? Wait, before you start," Rain held her hands up, "You have to know he is my cousin so not too many details. But still, did you like it?"

Niel stammered. "I-I am not discussing this Rain."

"Oh, come on. You asked me for advice, now I want my payment... You did want it right?"

"Y-yes of course, I just don't wanna talk about it," Niel mumbled.

"Please?" Rain clasped her hands in front of her, begging Niel to disclose some spicy details.

The teenager caved. "It-it felt good."

Rain squealed in delight. Jumping up and down. "How long did you guys go for?"

Niel gave her a look but Rain replied it with another pleading face, her eyes big with pouty lips. "Long enough for-for my body to give o-out," He said extremely quietly.

Another squeal rang through Niel's ears as Rain clapped her hands. "I am so proud of you! You are all grown up!" The teenager's cheeks got red again. "Okay, okay, I will stop the teasing, but you are just so darn cute when you get flustered. I have to go again, but good job Niel," She winked.

Before Rain turned around Niel stopped her. "Wait, I have a question now you are here."

"Okay, go on."

"What should I get Atlas for his birthday?"

"I think you two shagging was enough for him for a decade's worth of presents," The shewolf laughed.

"Rain," Niel whined.

Rain composed herself. "Sorry, you are right. I promised I would stop... To be honest, we don't give each other really presents on our birthdays. As pups we do get some, but once grown up we usually give each other nothing but maybe some food or," And this got Rain excited, "Or a very well-made special werewolf ale."

"Werewolf ale?" Niel quirked up a brow.

"Yess, it is really strong, but the one of the few alcoholic drinks that affects us."

"You think I should get some that?"

Rain shook her head. "No, I wouldn't do that. One, it's mad expensive. Two, it doesn't suit you. You should give something that makes Atlas remind him of you."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know, I am not you," Rain stated as a matter of fact. But she could see Niel struggling so she suggested, "Why don't give him something that shows a side of you he has never seen or doesn't know about you?"

Niel finally finished dicing all the unions and bell peppers and put them in a bowl. He sighed. "That sounds kinda cringe."

The shewolf chuckled. "Sometimes I forget you are still a teenager," She said more to herself. "But think of Atlas, do you think he thinks it would be 'cringe'?" Rain asked as she made the quotations marks with her fingers.

Niel pondered over that question. Atlas appeared as a romantic when it was just the two of them and he did like the cliché things in the movies they watched. Maybe Atlas would like Rain's suggestion.

"No, I don't think so."

Rain smiled. "So now you have something to come up with."

A/N: I am sorry for the long wait. I had a writers block with this story and I am also writing my thesis at the moment so I was busy as well.

I hope you like the new chapter. Please comment your thoughts and have nice day!

As His World Changed (MxM)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें