"I knew my son was special." Huang's father proudly claimed as he took the blinding piece of wood.

Looking at both of his parents with glee in his eyes, Huang cleared his throat to say something life-changing. "I'm going to become a vigilante and save people! I'm gonna use my power to make the best sword and save everyone from bad people!" He claimed, making his parents even more proud.

As the years went by, Huang grew up into a capable swordsman, who saved was known as the 'Protective Ronin'. No one other than his parents and close friends knew about his ability to enchant weapons due to the man's secrecy. He believed that, if people knew his abilities, they would seek him out and weaponise him.

Unfortunately, while saving a mother and her baby, a villain with the ability to shoot piercing wind bullets from their mouth, shot off the vigilante's dominant arm, leaving him unable to continue his work. Word of his defeat would spread shortly after this incident, causing the man to run and hide from everyone.

After a few years of hiding and being depressed, Huang found out he had contracted a disease and was due to die in just over six months. Hearing this devastating piece of information, Huang decided to use his last six months wisely, creating twenty-one 'cursed' blades to assist in the battle against villains.

"I mustn't die a meaningless death." The man told himself as he left the doctor's room. That night, he grabbed the tools and materials necessary to achieve his last goal. "It shall begin, whether I'm remembered as a Hero or a blacksmith, I hope people will remember me as a man who stood against evil." Huang smiled as he melded a sword.

Over the course of three months, Huang would put his heart and soul into every blade, granting them each a unique ability, allowing the swords to flourish.

"And... done-*cough*" He wheezed, dropping to the floor while holding his final sword. "Now... I must carry them to trustworthy people." The sickly fellow uttered, using the long blade to push himself off the floor.

For the next three months, the man would travel all around China to give his blades to trusted individuals, telling them one thing before he left. "Make sure this blade ends up in capable hands, if an unworthy person wields it, the blade will reject them and kill them." He declared before leaving.

Once his mission was done, the blacksmith passed away on a random street, leaving his family to only mourn his ashes due to his body already decomposed by the time they found him.

Many years later, the first blade he created entered the hands of the infamous hero Habakiri Enma. Unfortunately, after his demise, the blade went missing and hasn't been found since.

Another one of his blades was sold for a high price, but fortunately, it was recovered by the pro-hero Deku who also wields another one of his blades.

After obtaining the blade, Deku came to the realisation that the blades should be kept somewhere safe and trustworthy so he set out on a mission to collect all the blades and return them to Huang's village, where he gained his blade years prior.

It took him a while, but after a year, he collected all the blades scattered around in China and returned them to the village. To keep the village extra safe, the pro decided to buy the village in an attempt to steer away any threats just in case.

End of Flashback

"How I was able to get my blade is a story for another day. Let's just say the village owes me their lives." He smiled, creeping Bakugo out.

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