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*•.¸♡ AUTHOR'S POV ♡¸.•*

The room was charged with tension, Myra's heart pounding as she took shelter behind the sofa. Lucy and Zoey stormed in, their expressions a mix of anger and disappointment, their eyes fixed firmly on her. Myra's instincts kicked in and she dashed around the room, dodging her furious friends. 

"Guys, please, just calm down! Let me explain," Myra pleaded, her voice tinged with nervousness. Lucy veered left, but Myra swiftly changed course to the right, evading Zoey's pursuit. The air crackled with emotions. 

"You get yourself a wealthy boyfriend and suddenly we find out you're tying the knot? The day before? No, the night before?!" Lucy's voice echoed off the walls, a mix of frustration and disbelief. 

Zoey wasn't about to let Myra off the hook either. With a burst of determination, she cornered Myra and gently pushed her onto the bed. Myra's stomach churned with anticipation, knowing what was coming next. 

"Haha! Guys, please... Haha!" As laughter bubbled up, a tickling attack started on Myra. Myra's pleas for respite were drowned out by their spreading giggles. Tears streamed down her face, a blend of mirth and surrender. 

Five minutes felt like both an eternity and a fleeting moment. Breathing heavily, they collapsed onto the bed, sharing a moment of friendship. Laughter still echoed in the room as Lucy playfully smacked Myra with a pillow.

The bed became their sanctuary, Myra sandwiched between Zoey on the left and Lucy on the right. Myra's bunny, a silent witness to the chaotic reunion, had been brought along.

After all, she was soon to embark on a new journey, leaving her familiar world behind for Diego's embrace. Lucy's approach was direct and unapologetic. Propping herself up on her elbows, she fixed her gaze firmly on Myra.

"I'm not here to ask about the details you skipped over. Let's get straight to the point," she started, her words laced with curiosity.

"Tell me how is he in bed?" Myra's eyes widened in surprise as Lucy brazenly inquired about such an intimate matter. The audacity of the question was met with a mixture of astonishment and amusement. With a blush painting her cheeks, Myra playfully swatted Lucy's shoulder, unable to suppress a nervous laugh.

"What kind of question is that?" Myra's hand gently patted her reddened cheeks, still taken aback by the boldness of Lucy's question. Laughter filled the room as both Lucy and Zoey couldn't contain their amusement at Myra's flushed face.

"What's gotten into you, Lucy?" Myra managed to stammer out, trying to regain her composure. Lucy, undeterred by Myra's embarrassment, pressed on with her inquiry.

"Come on, spill the beans!" Myra's gaze sharpened a hint of exasperation in her eyes. She spoke with a touch of sternness, her voice carrying a tone of rebuke.

"You know, it's not exactly proper to pry into someone's private matters, even if we're best friends." Lucy let out a playful whine, realizing that Myra wasn't about to divulge such intimate details.

She recognized that Myra was feeling uncomfortable, and decided to let the matter drop, choosing to respect her friend's boundaries. Lucy's persistence shifted to a different topic.

"Alright, spill the beans about your entire love story," she demanded, her curiosity unabated. Myra eagerly shared the story of how it all began, her bashful smile met with giggles of fond remembrance.

Lucy playfully teased about Myra becoming a husband-to-be, sparking more laughter. Lucy's curiosity turned to Diego's personality asking various questions about him, as their talk started to get longer.

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