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*•.¸♡ AUTHOR'S POV ♡¸.•*

A line of five black sedans pulled up in front of the office building, instantly commanding attention from passersby on the sidewalk. From the lead car emerged a figure clad in a tailored charcoal suit, his hair styled to perfection, and black shades covering his eyes. 

The man stepped out with an air of authority, casting a shadow over the entrance with his mere presence. His sleek attire spoke of power and wealth, a fine declaration of dominance in the corporate world. 

Inside the building, the reception area buzzed with hushed whispers as employees stole covert glances, recognizing the arrival of a powerful person. Despite the rich surroundings, he found the decor lacking in the luxury he was used to, a standard he expected as the world's wealthiest man. 

Without missing a beat, he was guided to the meeting room by a cautious attendant, wasting no time in getting down to business. As he entered the boardroom, the people stood up from their seats respecting the powerful individuals who just come. 

His powerful presence was enough to catch their attention and show dominance to them. And they can't just let it slide like that, knowing that he is not just a wealthy businessman, but a powerful and vindictive man, who does not forgive anyone crossing him or disrespecting him. 


A man respected and feared at the same time. Once a guy from a rich background disrespected and made fun of Diego at a party, a single punch landed on his face and he was down. But, it did not stop there. 

Diego bankrupted him and his so-called rich family. He disappeared from this world in a week, which was another mysterious thing, but they were no fools to understand that it was all done by Diego only. 

The meeting unfolded as a strategic play. Diego's handshake was not a gesture of equality but a subtle show of dominance. His eyes, sharp and wise, assessed each executive with an air of calculated superiority. 

The representatives showed a useful business plan to Diego, trying to make him agree and become partners in his company. Once the presentation was finished, the representatives looked at Diego with a questioning gaze. 

"So, what do you think about our plan, Mr. King?" The presenter asked him, as Diego stood up and fixed his suit. 

"The plan is good and quite resulting," Diego states as the representative feels relief, however, Diego's next words are going to make them tenser. "But, this plan will go forward only if my terms are going to be fulfilled," Diego stated to them in a stern and cold tone, getting a question from them about the terms. 

"70-30 shares." Diego declared shocking the people on his terms. It was not a term, but he was asking for total control over the company. 

"T-That is impo-" Diego did not let them finish his sentence and stated. 

"Impossible?" he interrupted, his tone cutting through any protest. "Gentlemen, you came to me seeking a partnership, not a negotiation. My terms are clear. You get my resources, and my influence, and in return, I get full control. It's a simple transaction." 

The presenters gulped and glanced at each other with doubts hearing his stern and powerful words. Diego glanced at them one by one with a calculating gaze realizing how they were doubtful. 

"Consider it as an opportunity. You have time till tomorrow. Make your decisions wisely. And if the terms are still unacceptable to you, then let me remind you that I don't share the control. Whether you accept and take your company to another level, or stay in the same place going down day by day." Diego stated lastly making it harder for them to decide. 

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