i missed you mll

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I was chilling on my bed when my phone started ringing.

'Rosie🥀🪽' okay weird.
"Yo Andrei Rafael speaking who's this mother fucker?" I asked. I always say this when I don't check the caller id so I don't want her to know that she's calling.
"Hey its Rosie." I smiled hearing her voice.
"Bye poosie." I said and I was about to hang up when she stopped me.
"Hey let me explain!" Looks like we'll get back together.
"Okay so I went to this club. The club where we meet. And he drugged my drink and told me to have sex with him! I swear on my life Andrei that I love you. As the weird Andrei, the chill Andrei,the horny Andrei, the bad Andrei, the mean Andrei, the goofy Andrei, the sad and sobbing Andrei. Even as Calvin.... please I'll accept everything. Your childish behavior, your abusive behavior. When you force me to let you fuck me, when you cry in my chest. Your beautiful scars. Those beautiful scars around your chest,back,abdomen waist hips legs arms face. Your wrists.. Andrei.. I love you. I really do. And I dont know what I would do without you. I'll accept everything just to know that you feel the same. I'd die for you my handsome boy. And you don't know how much I cried after our relationship ended. Please. I miss feeling your warm lips on my cold body. When you'd kiss my lips, nose, forehead, cheeks, shoulders, neck, collar bone, thighs, stomach, arms, wrist, hands,ears, waist everything! Please..." I could her sobs. To be honest I'm already balling my eyes out yolo "I missed you my love..." I whispered. "Please just let me come over.." I added. "Andrei. You can come whenever and at every time you want. I miss you. Please I just need to be in your arms again..." I smiled to myself. "I love you ..." I said getting up from my bed getting my keys. "I love you too.. okay I'll see you in my room okay.." "Okay." I said and hanged up. Gosh I love her....


As soon as I heard he was coming I jumped from my bed. I looked in the mirror and my mascara was on my cheeks and around the eyes. I wipped it off and did the make up look Andrei loved. Put on the dress he loves. The heels he loves. Styling my hair the way he loves. The necklace he bought me with our photo and our initials. I smiled and went into the kitchen. I quickly made his favorite and got his favorite wine. I set the table and lit some candles. I always loved having little dates with him. Then I heard the door open. "Where are you my butterfly?" I smiled hearing Andre's voice. "I'm here my handsome boy!" I yelled and waited for him. I hided behind the door. "Hey what's this?" He asked as I jumped from behind the door and onto his arms. "Your favorites.." I said kissing him. "You know me.." He said between kisses.

I hate you kaulitz. | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now