The party

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Alexandra's pov:

I got my black mini dress with a black mini leather jacket and black heels. Gotta be matchy right? I straightened my blonde hair. I did my make up, not to much. Something natural, I looked at Andre as he was looking in his wardrobe for something that could match me. I looked there a little. I found some black jeans with a black shirt a leather jacket and some black Jordans. (I don't think black Jordans exists but idgaf.) He smiled and I straightened his hair too and styled it. We looked the same but different genders. This time we're going in my car. I took my keys and he sat in the passenger. I drove to Tom's house. I put my gun somewhere in my jacket and shoved one in Andre's jacket too. We have pocket knifes and other things. I nodded at him and we got out. He put a arm around my waist so we wouldn't lose eachother in the crowd. Tom sat on a table and got a microphone.
"Hey yall! So I invited belgiums most hottest, dangerous and coldest twins, that's what yall call them but for me! They're liars." I looked at Andre and he gave me a nod. I quickly took out my gun and shoot at his leg. Andre shot bill in the leg too who was in our way. I shoot gustav and georg too in their legs obviously. I can't kill them again. Some bodyguards came at us and we shoot them. I was covered in blood. So was Andre. We both had it in our hair and on our faces everywhere. We smirked and ran out the door. I got in my car and speed off, then reflections by the neighbourhood came up. (I know most songs weren't made in 2009 but pretend pls...) it was our song. I looked at him and we started singing "and everytime we realise its crazy and you saved me, we we're too close to the stars!! I never knew somebody like you somebody falling just as hard. I'd rather lose somebody than use somebody. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise! I see my reflection in your eyes." I sang as I made eye contact with Andre. We both laughed as the others were behind us.

I made a sharp turn and we lost them. I started laughing harder. We got home and the others we're no where to be seen. I entered the garage and got out of the car. I watched as Andre started gagging because of the blood and ran in the shower. I sighed typical Andre. I entered my bathroom and started scrubbing the blood away. I finished 1 hour later. I got out of the shower, I put a robe on then I heard aggressive banging. I sighed, I quickly changed into some baggy shit I found in my closet and I opened the door. Andre fell to the ground since he was standing on my door. I sighed as he got up and dusted himself off. I looked at him and gave him the 'you disturbed me.' Look. He nodded before speaking "shes downstairs. She wants to talk." Fucking bitch. We went downstairs, and I saw yuki in our living room down on the couch. I sighed, it's gonna be a long night...

I hate you kaulitz. | Part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin