Chapter 76: The forgotten girl Act I

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Zeldris was in a dark space, he injuries were gone and a white glow was around him. It was quite obvious he was unconscious. He looked around until his focus was on a girl. She wore a white kimono with crescent moons along the bottom, her hair was white and in a bun she wore black Japanese like sandals and white socks that went up to her ankles. Her eyes were grey and she had quite the beautiful appearance, she was drinking from a sake glass. She looked at Zeldris and had a light smirk before walking over to him, as she stepped water rippled and the dark space lit up. There was a large moon along with a smaller moon below, there was a uncountable amount of stars that created a beautiful liminal space.

Zeldris: "What..where am I?..who are you?"

The lady giggled before grabbing his hand and guiding him to the door, she then used a force to open it before pushing him out. Zeldris shouted out loud as he fell into a deep dark void. Zeldris began to regain consciousness, his eyes slowly opened as he could see the sky was still a little dark. Zeldris was covered in bandages, he could hear a light voice grunting as they tried to fix the wounds.

Tabitha: "Thank're awake Zeldris. D-Don't move around too much!..y-your wounds..w-will open."

Zeldris: "T-Tabitha.."

Zeldris said weakly before looking at her. Tabitha was in bandages as well, her dress was ripped slightly but she didn't care. She wanted to make sure everyone was alright...

Zeldris: "What happened to Anita?"

Tabitha fell silent before she pointed to the right. Zeldris looked to the right and saw jet black crows circling Anita. Zeldris couldn't get up but he could hear her say something.

Anita: "How...How did I end up like this..falling to such bonds."

Tabitha: "D-Don't you have any bonds?.."

Anita: "No..I have no belonging..I'm not wanted in this world."

Zeldris: "That's the meaning of having no second name..."

Tabitha fell silent as she glanced at both of them.

Zeldris: "What happened to you Anita, why did you make Claw?"

Anita looked up at the sky, she had a blank expression as she laid on her back. There was a awkward silence before it was broken by Anita.

Anita: "If you're expecting a happy ending..a true love or a saviour in this story..then this isn't your type of story..."

The scene went dark and only Anita could be heard.

"I was born in a town called Pinna, well if it was even allowed to be called a town. It was a vile and disgusting place, it was run down and food was so scarce. It was the real slums of this world and it was nicknamed..the place God had forgotten."

The town seemed lifeless, it was disgusting. Dogs were starved, people wore rags and all sorts of crimes went on. It was quiet..until a loud bang was heard, in the distance there was a little girl sprinting was seen holding two pieces of bread. Followed behind her were three men charging after her to reclaim what was stolen.

Man 1: "Hey! Didn't you learn your lesson the last time?! No stealing brat!"

Man 2: "Get the little rodent! This is her third warning!"

Man 3: "You know what that means? We cut your damn hands off BAHAHAHA!"

The little girl had shaggy hair as she ran through the dirt streets, she was bare foot and she wore a make shift dress which was a torn potato sack. She leaped over turned over broken carriages and turned corners but she couldn't shake them. One of the men picked up a stone before throwing it full force at Anita's leg, Anita let out a scream as she crumbled to the ground. The bread she carried fell out of her hands and dropped into the mud. She looked at the bread before looking down at her leg, she couldn't get up..she couldn't move. The three men stood above her before they cracked their knuckles. They began to punch and kick her for stealing, Anita covered her head with her arms. Tears rolled down her cheek from her eyes as the pain was unbearable, the men cackled as they knew she couldn't endure the pain.

The scene changed and it was night time. Anita's stomach roared, she was starving and hadn't eaten in days. Her face was covered in bruises and her eyes were swollen. She continuously wandered the streets trying to scavenge for food..but there was nothing. Anita was so weak, her face and her body was so malnourished. This is the hell on earth..the place God had forgotten..Pinna. Anita was sat up against the wall, she looked up at the sky and tears streamed down her cheek. In Pinna there were many cases of kids that couldn't survive..being devoured by the dogs. Growling could be heard as a group of dogs stepped toward her. Anita couldn't scream..she couldn't was the end. The taste of blood, was the only taste the dogs knew. It was a taste they needed, their hunger needed to be satisfied. The dogs jumped Anita, one by one their razor sharp teeth dug into her skin..she was about to be another case of the fallen. Suddenly..a loud bang was heard, it sounded like it came from a gun. What seemed to be a spear pierced one of the dogs. The dog yelped as it fell onto it's side. Chains rattled as the dog was being reeled in toward the gun. The shooter kicked the dog off before cocking his gun. A little kid that seemed around Anita's age ran toward her before grabbing her arm.

???: "Come with us!"

The shooter turned around before saying.

???: "Looks like we got ourselves another mouth to feed."

The little kid barked back.

???: "But we can't just leave her to be devoured! It's why you guys formed the golden hand of God!"

The shooter scoffed before saying.

???: "Who said I was going to leave her?"

Anita looked at the two before she looked away..who were these two?..and what did they want with her?

Chapter end!

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