Chapter 46: The Cordriano family!

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The scene opens with Phoebe, Avada and Cosmo walking together. The three were making their way to what seemed to be a mansion, the mansion had neon lights which took shape of a joker card.

Ada: "It's a shame Italy is in such chaos, it's so beautiful even when the residents are at each others throats."

Phoebe: "Arghhh why did I have to lose at rock paper scissors?! If I had won I would've been by Zelly's side and have him all to myself!!"

Avada giggled lightly before saying.

Ada: "I find the affection you give to Zeldris quite admirable. You must really like him."

Phoebe: "Of course I do! He's absolutely amazing."

Cosmo: "I like Master too!"

Ada gently petted Cosmo's head before saying in her usual light tone.

Ada: "Of course you do, he's quite reliable."

Ada looked up at the mansion before saying.

Ada: "Now you two, Zeldris has appointed me as the leader of this team. I owe him quite a lot so I will ensure we do not fail, do not draw suspicions to ourselves and gather intel."

Phoebe/Cosmo: "Mhm!"

The three walked up to the door, two guards walked up to the three before pointing their guns at them.

Guard 1: "State your business or you'll be filled with led."

Ada: "My, such a wonderful welcome. With the revolution that is currently going on, I hope we'd be recognised as a potential weapons dealer for the Cordriano's..I do believe this is the Cordriano's estate..or am I mistaken?"

Guard 2: "Wait a minute...I know you, you're the queen of rock Avada Kadevra!"

Guard 1: "Wait what?!"

The two guards looked at her before looking at each other.

Guard 1: "It is you! Lemme guess this is your little side business?! I love your recent song New York! Can you sign my tommy gun??"

Ada giggled lightly before saying with a pleasant smile.

Ada: "Sure thing, honey."

Ada gently grabbed the marker one of the guards held out before signing both.

Guard 2: "We can let you guys in, Boss is upstairs."

Phoebe and Cosmo high five'd each other with both hands before following behind Ada. The scene changed and the group were was much different from the other family, the inside seemed more colourful, red and brown walls along with cartoonish paintings. A picture of their boss at a casino holding a deck of cards. Screams were heard from upstairs, Ada's usual pleasant smile faded and Cosmo and Phoebe cut their eyes slightly. The group walked up the stairs and peaked into the room where all the screaming was coming from.

Man: "AHHHHHHHHHHHH, FUCK!!!!!! We don't know where she is! Even if we did, we'd never tell you slimy pieces of shit where our bosses daughter is!"

???: "Come on, do I need to slice off another finger?"

There was a man sat in a chair, covered in his own blood. His face was bruised along with one of his hands, his other hand was missing three was quite obvious he was being tortured.

Man: "You're fucking crazy!!"

The other man laughed as he spun a flick knife around in his right hand.

???: "PffftHAHAHAHA, crazy? No no, what's crazy is you haven't given me the answer I want yet! I don't know how many fingers I need-a cut off before you give it to me. Now for the last fucking time, where is the girl?!"

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