Chapter 52: Fear and the Starved!

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The Scene opens with Avada walking toward the group, she gave a sweet closed eyed smile toward them. Ryo bowed his head slightly at her before she had sat down. Zeldris tucked his hands in his jacket pockets before saying.

Zeldris: "Alright Ryo, tell me where I can find these bastards."

Ryo: "Are you sure?..My king compared to what happened with Donny this is far worse. This organisation is dangerous and only wants to destroy us. Perhaps we can call the authorities and have them arrested for kidnapping."

Zeldris stared at Ryo with a blank expression for a few seconds. Ryo sighed before having a small smile.

Ryo: "As you wish. Not too far from here, there's a castle named..Chateu Guillard. That's where you'll find Jack but also the members of CLAW. I will focus on making an escape route for all of you once everything is taken care of."

Tabitha: "Do you have any information on any of the members of CLAW?"

Ryo: "As of right now, I've only got information on one of the members. His name is Hannibal, he works as an opera singer at certain theatres. However recently there has been reported cases of people disappearing after his acts. Perhaps maybe you can also find out where those who have gone missing are kept."

Phoebe: "Missing?!"

Zeldris: "I'll see what I can do, but Jack takes priority and taking down CLAW."

Cosmo: "Master..will we be okay?"

Zeldris: "Yeah, as long as you all can fight we'll be fine. So let's get going."

All: "Right!"

The scene changed and Zeldris and the group were outside the castle, Ryo wasn't with them however. Zeldris looked down at his phone, the sun was beginning to set and Zeldris wanted to know the time.

Zeldris: "Alright, it's 7:35pm. Listen guys, I'm going to go in on my own."

Phoebe: "Why Zelly?!"

Tabitha: "We're supposed to be a team!"

Ada: "I'm sure Zeldris dear has a good reason, but don't you know it could be dangerous?"

Cosmo: "So unfair Master!"

Zeldris: "I know all that, but trust me it's better I see what it's like inside, over all of us going in and making a bloodbath, if I'm not back by 8:00pm all of you go in and give me backup. Is that good enough?"

Ada: "I see no problem with that."

Zeldris: "Ada, I'm putting you in charge while I'm gone."

Ada: "As you wish dear."

Phoebe: "Hey what about me Zelly?!"

Zeldris looked at Phoebe with a blank expression before turning around to run off.

Phoebe: "Hey don't ignore me!"

Tabitha raised her hand to pat her on the back before stepping back. Zeldris ran toward the castle but slid to a stop, the castle was over deep water. Zeldris cut his eyes before saying lowly.

Zeldris: "Damn it."

Phoebe ran over before holding out her hand out toward the water.

Phoebe: "Curse of Botany: Water Lily!"

Suddenly from with the deep water, large lilies began to sprout and drain the water slightly. They also created a pathway toward the castle for Zeldris. Zeldris looked at Phoebe giving her a nod of acknowledgment before jumping on the large lilies and bouncing over.

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