Chapter 65: Beauty Of Spring!

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The scene opens with Tabitha and the mist curse user conversing. Tabitha folded her arms before saying.

Tabitha: "Do you think throwing your life away, will give you the closure you seek?"

The mist user fell silent.

Tabitha: "Dying is not an escape, it only burdens those who care for you."

The mist user gritted her pearly white teeth before spewing.

???: "Don't act like you know everything about me! I'm your opponent, just finish me your friends. Don't pry into my own business."

Tabitha: "It's not my fault. You didn't even see me as an opponent to begin with. You could've killed me much swifter...but you chose to give me a chance. You maybe my opponent but you don't want to kill. What you want is someone to tell you something you want to hear."

???: "Tch..."

Tabitha: "You want to find them..don't you? Then don't give up, I don't know what it's like. But what I do know is only you can get your own closure by finding out the answer. Tell me your name."

???: "Why would I give my name to my opponent? I almost killed you, yet you take mercy on me."

Tabitha sighed.

Tabitha: "Because you aren't evil. Your mist carries so many messages that my shadows relayed to me..I could sense you had no malice toward me."

???: "...It's Noelle..Noelle Garcia."

Tabitha: "Noelle, don't give up. I'm sorry about this..but I have to incapacitate you in order to secure Zeldris's honour him.

Noelle chuckled weakly before saying.

Noelle: "It's fine..but please I have one thing to ask."

Tabitha raised her hand before a shadowy aura swirled around her fist.

Tabitha: "What is it you ask of me?"

Noelle: "If you see her..please, let her know that I'm sorry and that I'm alive."

Tabitha: "No. it's better you find her yourself, and reunite with each other."

Tabitha cut her purplish hues before lowering her fist. The scene changed and we are now back to Phoebe and Martin. Phoebe was covered in a purplish aura. She was on the ground weak and wounded, the jet black oil was covering her from head to toe as she clambered onto her feet. The shadowy aura that surrounded her due to Zeldris began to cleanse her of the oil.

Martin: " matter how many times you get up. You will lose..each and every time, little flower."

Phoebe was silent, she could hear the voice of the man she loved.


Amidst the black aura, Phoebe was silent. A tear escaped her eye as she said lowly.

Phoebe: "...I didn't were in so much Zelly."

Phoebe felt power surge through her, a golden aura surrounded her as the black aura faded. Martin stared as he raised both his arms, his long sleeves swooshed as he did so.

Martin: "Kekeke...I will sully the purity of your aura..little flower."

Phoebe dashed forward, her gaze was sharp as she pulled back both her arms. Martin expelled oil out of both his arms swiftly. Phoebe pushed both her arms forward and a bunch of twisted vines weaves together to form a shield. The oil began to dehydrate the shield causing it to wither slightly.

Martin: "I told's no use."

Phoebe didn't listen to his voice, she still used the shield. As the shield withered..a a burst of her golden aura replenished the shield. The oil that was on her shield began to turn into a gold colour, which made her flowers grow faster.

Martin: "HUH?!?!?!"

Phoebe: "Don't underestimate the power of flowers!! Curse of Botany: Twisted beanstalk!"

As she chanted out her spell, a green beanstalk began to grow before it grew to a huge size. Martin was hit by the tip of it as it pushed him outside of castle. Martin was on the end of the beanstalk standing as the high winds blew his sleeves.

Martin: "This is preposterous! How is your plant life able to withstand my all consuming oil?!"

Phoebe: "Curse of Botany: Knuckle-bean plant!"

As Phoebe chanted, she threw down four seeds that summoned a green plant in the shape of a fist which punched Martin sending him upwards. Martin was in pain, he coughed blood but dropped onto the beanstalk. Phoebe dashed forward before going to slap Martin. Phoebe wasn't the violent type, only really ever using it for self defence...

As Phoebe went for the slap, Martin merely blocked it with his left hand. Phoebe knee'd him in the stomach which caused Martin to be stunned. Phoebe swung her arm over Martin's head which caused a patch of greenery and colourful flowers to follow behind the motion, Martin used his oil to collide with Phoebe's but Phoebe was filled with Energy from Zeldris. She jumped back in the air before calling out.

Phoebe: "I'm going to hit you with everything I got, and then do it again! So I can get back to my friends! They need me..especially Zelly!" 

Martin: "I will not let that happen! Kekeke..this will be your resting place..all of yours!"

Phoebe outstretched her arms before a golden thick liquid began to ooze from the pores in her arms.

Martin: ' that oil?!..How can such a stupid girl be able to manipulate her curse like that.'

Martin thought in a panic as he raised his right arm.

Phoebe: "My plants..wouldn't be enough..since your oil would just poison them..I can't stand to see my precious plants disappear any more..they have feelings too!"

Phoebe growled lowly before raising her right hand and pointing it at Martin.

"Curse of Botany: "Nector Of The Golden Sunflower!"

As Phoebe called out her attack, she expelled a large elongated beam of pure gold oil. Martin gritted his teeth before chanting.

Martin: "Curse of oil: Oil crashing wave!"

As Martin chanted that, a wave of giant oil was summoned as flowed toward Phoebe's attack. Phoebe held strong but the wave was powerful. Phoebe let out a determined shout as her golden oil shot right through the black wave of death and hit Martin. Martin panicked slightly but that's all he could do, he let out a scream as he flew into the air.

Martin: "No..I was defeated by mere flowers?.."

Phoebe: "That's what you get, you creepy man! Flowers have lives too and don't forget that!"

Phoebe turned around before walking back through the hole that was made due to the beanstalk.

Phoebe: "I should...see how the others are doing..oh no. We're all on separate floors! Oh no..don't leave me all alone you guys!" 

Phoebe called out as she began to run up the stairs.

Phoebe: "I'm coming!.."

A jolt of pain hit Phoebe. She tumbled slightly, her left leg was in pain due to the battle..but she had to power through it.

The scene changed and Cosmo was still trapped.

Alexandre: "Hahahshs..this should be entertaining..let us battle with pride!"

Chapter end!

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