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Narrative Perspective

"Guys, let's play something else! how about charades?" hyunjin suggested as he laid sassily on the couch. everyone hummed and picked someone to guess the words. they did a few rounds of rock, paper, scissors and jisung had lost; resulting in him having to have the phone over his head and guessing the other's silly actions. each person had to do five rounds (guess five words).

"ok, so. rules are simple, if jisung guesses the word, the other person needs to drink but if jisung doesn't then he has to drink. fun, right?" jeongin explained as he excitedly opened the game in his phone. he gave it to jisung and asked to put it over his head, telling him to tilt the screen forward in order to go onto the next word. "ok! let's start!"

jisung sat on the couch while the others were stood up in the living room, waiting for a word to pop out. each word had a time limit of 1 and a half minutes so they were all excited and worked up. (a.n : had to translate what 激动 meant in english for a second, help.) jisung pressed the start button and a bunch of rules popped up to which the boy had skipped. a word popped up and the first person who needed to act it out was chan.


everyone cheered excitedly and counted down with the robotic voice coming from the phone


chan rubbed the back of his neck anxiously and stared at the bright rectangular screen


"woohoo! let's go!" hyunjin yelled as he punched his fist in the air


chan gulped when he saw the word showcased on the screen. it seemed hard but also, at the same time, not that difficult. the male had to act out a cat but he thought it'd be weird to just get on all fours and make his hands in a way that it looked like paws of a real cat.

chan bent down and petted an imaginary cat, petting it all the way until the tail to show jisung what the word was. however, jisung thought that chan was just making everything complicated and when he saw him doing a petting motion, he immediately said,


everyone in the room gave him tge side eye and looked at him as if he were under the influence of drugs while minho blushed furiously. "bitch, minho? did you even think about the possibility of his name even being programmed into that game?" jisung shrugged his shoulder and put the phone down, taking the shot from someone and drinking it in one go. he sighed deeply after taking it and sat back down onto the couch, holding the phone over his head again as a smirking changbin walks in front of jisung.

"why are you smirking? it looks goofy on you, bro." changbin gave jisung an offended look and talked back, "hey! anything looks good on me and did you just bro zone me?" jisung rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue, tilting the phone screen down so that it could skip to the next word. changbin huffed and looked at the word. "oooh okay, i got this."

the male put his hands against his chest in a cradling gesture and started moving his hands up and down like he was carrying something that could fit in his arms. jisung furrowed his eyebrows as many different types of answers flooded into his brain. was it a baby? that lion, simba, from the 'lion king'? a sports ball, type of thing? an animal? changbin needed to be more specific. however, maybe he just wanted jisung to seem like a loser and take another shot. good thing jisung has high tolerance though. the male sighed and randomly guessed a word that was replaying in his brain, "a baby?"

changbin snorted and shook his head, a large smile being displayed on his triangular face (a.n : sry bro). "nah, dude. it's a watermelon!" jisung scrunched his face in disbelief, "who the hell holds a watermelon like its their child, changbin? what the fuck."

"me, i do. and i messed with your brain so you could take another shot!" changbin proudly said to which jisung sighed and thanked him sarcastically. another shot was handed to the other and he drank it again in one go. minho pursed his lips as he watched jisung drink the shots without hesitation. he looked so unnecessarily handsome while doing so. jisung set the glass down and sighed again, asking who the next person was.

hyunjin excitedly ran in front of jisung, tilting the phone for the boy before returning it back to him and acted out the word. again, he had gotten it wrong and had to drink another shot. his friends were definitely doing it on purpose to make him drunk out of his mind. "guys, stop making me confused on purpose for the sake of seeing me drunk. i don't get drunk that easily." hyunjin whined and acted like a child, "why did you need to have a high tolerance? i just want to see what type of drunk you are!"

"whatever, who's next?" jisung asked in an irritated tone. however, when he saw minho slowly walking towards him, his face softened and a small smile replaced the frown on his face. "whipped."

"felix, shut up!"

minho stood in front of jisung and scratched the back of his hand awkwardly. jisung gave minho a small nod before the next word was shown on the screen. the word was 'apple' and minho knew exactly what to do. he took seungmin's phone after getting permission and took out the case, showing jisung the logo of the iphone.

although it was quite obvious since minho was literally covering the rest of the phone and showing only the apple, he still managed to guess it wrong by saying 'phone'. minho looked at jisung with his mouth hanging in shock as he watched the older down another shot. it turns out that jisung didn't want minho to drink the liquor and get drunk again so he just guessed the wrong thing... again...

it was worth it, though.

jisung liked having a high tolerance since he could drink away but still manage to pull himself together, and can also take care of his friends when they're all wasted. chan, too. so, jisung used this advantage to protect himself from a drunk-possessed minho. however, sometimes jisung wondered how he would be like when drunk. maybe it was better if he didn't know but he was curious.

minho closed his mouth and returned seungmin's phone, sitting back down onto the floor as the gears in minho's brain turned continuously. how the hell did jisung get it wrong? he was sure that he had made sure to direct jisung's attention to the apple instead of the phone. maybe the male was just plain stupid.

the game continued for a while longer and the rest started to become drunk fast. jisung and chan were the only sober people while the others were either a little bit drunk or completely out of their minds. hyunjin was nibbling on seungmin's arm like a baby while felix was clinging onto chan for warmth and comfort. changbin was laughing and giggling on the floor while jeongin was making random sounds. minho was lying on jisung's chest like a small sleeping kitten, surprisingly peaceful despite being a bit drunk.

jisung was petting minho's hair like it was the silky soft fur of a cat and the male let out a cute sound. the way minho was acting made jisung think that he was extremely cat-coded. or were cats minho-coded?

just then, a meow could be heard from upstairs and doongie could be seen getting down and walking towards the kitchen. jisung asked chan if he could bring everyone else home since the games had pretty much stopped due to them being drunk. chan agreed and carried a giggling felix in his arms, telling everyone to (kindly) get out of the house and into his car.

everyone didn't listen at first but soon got up and left the house, a bunch of goodbyes leaving their lips as they walked out. jisung sighed and looked down at minho, standing up and brought minho up in his own arms by his butt and carried him to his room. he laid the male on the bed and softly closed the door after the air conditioner was turned on, going to the kitchen to grab some food and water for the cats.

the house was peaceful once again.

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