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Narrative Perspective

"WOOHOO YEAHH LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Hyunjin yelled out when he entered the cozy atmosphere of Minho's house. The boy walked in with a whole bag full of drinks (including beer/alcohol), placing them on the kitchen table as carefully as he could. "Hyunjin, why did you bring alcohol again."

Jisung mentally face palmed when he recalled the situation which happened a couple of weeks ago. Chan scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and sighed. "Believe me, I tried stopping him but he didn't listen to me." Hyunjin rolled his eyes dramatically and smiled brightly. "I got a bonus pay check a while ago so I spent it on your birthday, Chan. Be grateful."

"Woah, since when did you work." Felix said teasingly and peeked into the white shopping bag. Everyone was now in Minho's kitchen, squeezing into the small room as they looked at the types of beer Hyunjin had bought. "So, what are we going to do now?"

Jeongin lit up when the question was asked and suggested, "I have so so many ideas! We could play jenga, truth or drink, never have I ever, spin the bottle, charades—" "Oh my goodness, we get it Jeongin. No need to suggest so many." Changbin shrieked when he heard the ridiculous amount of games the boy was listing out.

Seungmin kept quiet the whole entire time, thinking about something that has been on his mind for almost forever now. "Minnie, why are you so quiet?" Hyunjin asked as he passed everyone a glass cup. The boy looked up and shook his head, not wanting anyone to know the reason.

Hyunjin cocked his head to the side but shrugged it off, taking the various bottles of wine out of the plastic bag, placing the drinks onto the table. Jisung looked at Seungmin and back to Hyunjin, thinking about all possible reasons to why the younger (Seungmin) was quiter than usual. And then, it clicked.

Oh my god, no wonder he's so quiet. Hyunjin is screwed, holy shit. Jisung thought to himself, a soft snort coming from him as he hid his face with his hand. Minho looked at Jisung curiously and poked his chest, asking him what made him snort so suddenly. "Just figured out why Seungmin's being extra quiet right now." the male whispered back to Minho, smirking when he smacked his butt slickly.

Minho gasped dramatically and smacked Jisung's arse back, sending a glare to his direction. "What's the reason?" Jisung shook his head and placed a finger onto his lips, then to Minho's. The younger was left in a flustered state once he got what Jisung was suggesting at, face flaming red as he tried to get away from him.

Their moment was then ruined when someone yelled for everyone to assemble at the living room. Two bottles of wine were placed in the middle of Minho's wooden circled coffee table, eight cups surrounding the tall and elegantly shaped bottles. Jeongin took out a jenga set, along with his phone containing a bunch of different games which he had suggested. "Let's play jenga first!" Everyone squeezed into three couches, four people on the larger one while two people each on the smaller ones.

Minho and Jisung sat together, the younger having one of his leg over Jisung's upper thigh. They watched as Jeongin and Seungmin set up the jenga tower, chuckling when Chan accidentally knocked it down halfway through the process of building it. Once the tower was completed, the game soon began.

"Okay, who's willing to go first!" Felix exclaimed with much excitement. Hyunjin raised his hand and immediately made his way to the front of the jenga tower, kneeling on the floor before pulling the bottom layer's middle wooden piece out. "Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Come on, who's next!" Chan decided that they should go by age and since Hyunjin already went first, he started from him, followed by the rest to Jeongin and then to himself and continued until Hyunjin. Here's what I'm talking about.

Hyunjin > Felix > Minho > Seungmin > Jeongin > Chan > Changbin > Jisung

Felix rubbed his hands together and observed the wooden tower, finding a suitable piece to pull out with ease and without the thing falling down. "Okay, let's all agree that the first few pieces getting taken out are the easiest." Everyone in the room nodded, some giggling and some clapping their hands. Minho got up from the couch and sat in front of the jenga tower, examining it before pulling a piece out.

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