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Narrative Perspective

Jisung sighed as he slowly walked back to his house. He had yet again failed another interview for a job at a local restaurant.

Jisung needed money to pay for his bills and had skipped his meals because he desperately needed to save up. Thinking about food just made Jisung's stomach growl in hunger.

Like if it could talk, it would probably say something like, "How dare you not take care of me properly!" or "Screw you human! You should have eaten at least a slice of toast before starting your day."

The quokka like boy chuckled to himself as he continued to make his way back home. He really should buy something to eat. Maybe a sandwich..? No. It'll make him want to eat more and more.

Jisung knew that he had starved himself for a long period of time and he might end up vomiting everything out if too much food was consumed.

Jisung sighed as he walked past a convenience store he used to go to every morning for a simple breakfast. But that was all before his parents had left the country, leaving Jisung to survive by himself at the start of age 17.

He had gotten a decent job and some help from friends but everything eventually came crashing down once he had turned 19 a year ago.

He lost his job around September and he was scared to bother his friends with his problems.

He knew that they would love to help him but didn't want to seem like a burden. He also didn't want to seem like all he was after was money, using his friends like that.

He screamed in frustration as he tugged on his hair. No one walking along the street noticed the frustrated boy and Jisung appreciated it. His anxiety could never.

As Jisung continued walking down the street, he spotted a piece of paper on the floor. Curiosity had took the best of him as he picked it up, smoothing each sides of the paper.

The boy observed the paper carefully and noticed that a wealthy family was in need of hiring a babysitter for their son. Jisung read the details of the flyer carefully and saw that the pay was US$300 an hour.

The working hours was from Monday to Friday, 7AM to midnight. He would also have to move into their household so it'd be easier for him to work with them.

Ok, Let's see. I would earn probably about US$5000 a day— that's a lot, move in to a new place where I don't have to worry about the bills, free food and a possibly easy job.

Jisung pointed out all the pros and cons of the job. He would have lesser freedom and time spent with his friends but at pleast he had two days to catch up with them.

In the blink of an eye, Jisung was at his doorstep and saw a letter taped to the door.

'Overdue bills'

Fuck it, I'll take the job.

Jisung dialed the number shown on the flyer and within 3 rings, someone picked up. A woman's voice could be heard from the other line.

"Hello?" the woman said with a exhaustive tone. "Hi.. uhm, I was wondering if you're still hiring for a babysitter?"

"Oh, yes we are! Are you interested?" a high pitched, excited kind of voice said. It sounded like there were two people sharing the same voice.

Well of course I'm interested, why else would I have called?

"Yeah, I am." Jisung said, trying not to sound too sarcastic.

"Alright, so I believe you know what you're provided.. Let's talk about what you're supposed to do and you can consider the job!"

Unnecessary, but okay.

The kind lady started listing out what Jisung should do in order for doing a good job. What shocked Jisung was that he had to take care if a 19 year old. But after listening to the reason, he had a better understanding about why their son needed help.

Hm, Minho.. nice name.

"So, are you up for the job?" Jisung thought about it for a few moments. I mean, he does get a good pay, nice shelter and free food. Yeah, he was pretty much sure of his answer.


Word Count : 742


BABYSITTER || MINSUNGHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin