chapter 292

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Victoria smirked as she heard Lorna say those things. She immediately jumped in to agree with her. "Yes, Jeremy, don't let her ruin our wedding again. She is a cruel person. Don't let her ruin our happiness again."

The police officers looked at Lorna and Victoria and felt offended. "Do you think we would waste our time coming all the way here if this was all a trick? What do you take us for? Do we look so idle to you to come up with such childish games?"

The angry officer then turned to Jeremy. "Mr. Callahan, you can come with us if you want. If not, that's on you. We delivered the message to you, we did our job. Your reaction to it does not concern us."

Before the officers turned to leave, Jeremy said, "I'll come with you." Without looking back, Jeremy left the church at that very moment.

Bruno was at his best friend's wedding, but the moment he heard Elsa was at the hospital from the police, he left immediately and sped there. So while Lorna and Victoria were convincing Jeremy to stay, Bruno was halfway to Elsa.

Rosanna and James wanted to follow Jeremy, only for Victoria to run to them and jump into their arms, crying helplessly. The couple was confused about what to do. Comfort the daughter they found or go check on the daughter they believed they had lost.


Jeremy arrived at the hospital and was brought to Elsa's room. He found Bruno already there, talking to a doctor. If it were another day and in a different situation, he would have questioned him, but at the moment, he needed to know about Elsa.

"How is she, doctor? How is my wife?" he asked, fear evident in his voice.

"The patient was beaten in the head several times. Her brain tumor ruptured and bled," the doctor explained.

"What? Elsa has a brain tumor?" Jeremy exclaimed.

How? Last time he saw her she was fine. How could she suddenly have a serious tumor?

"She does. She had been dealing with this for over a year now," Bruno informed him, relaying what the doctor had just told him.

"She suffered a traumatic brain injury, which has caused her to go into a coma, after the tumor ruptured. She is slowly losing her life and needs immediate surgery to remove the tumor," the doctor explained further.

Jeremy didn't want to believe it. It couldn't be true. He dashed quickly to the door and rushed inside. He looked around the room and saw a body lying on the bed.

The woman lying on the bed looked unrecognizable. Her face was covered with bruises, sores, and bumps.

Bandages wrapped around her forehead and under her chin, covering her entire scalp.

Due to her head injuries, all of Elsa's hair had been shaved off for treatment.

Her face and visible skin were covered with wounds of different shapes and sizes. She lay in bed in a vegetative state, motionless and with her eyes closed.

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