chapter 258

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Bruno received his treatment and his fever subsided.

He called someone to bring him warm clothes, for both him and Elsa when she woke up.

He also needed to retrieve his car and the belongings he left at the cliff.

Bruno sat beside Elsa’s bed and patiently waited for her to regain consciousness.

He reflected on the events of that day and realized was purely coincidental that he was heading to the sea at that time.

It took Elsa about two hours before she finally opened her eyes and began to look around.

Bruno felt a sense of relief.
“Gwen, thank God!”

Elsa blinked repeatedly as she tried to adjust to the bright lights in the room.

“Bruno?” she exclaimed surprised to see that man seated next to her.

While in the sea, Elsa hadn't seen him clearly. She had caught a glimpse of someone resembling him, but due to her fading consciousness, she couldn't be certain.

The headaches from the tumor, the lingering effects of being knocked out, and the numbing cold water had left Elsa unsure of who had rescued her. Nevertheless, she was grateful to be saved and hoped it wasn't just a hallucination.

Elsa wished she could report the incident to the police, but she knew that Victoria wouldn't face any consequences.

It would be pointless. Furthermore, if she brought up the case, she would likely be the one accused of fraud and sent to jail.

And if she brought this case up, she would be the one who gets sent to jail for the ridiculous and baseless fraud accusation.

Elsa had made up her mind to seek revenge. She just needed to earn enough money to do so, and she already had a couple of plans in mind.

“Hi,” Bruno responded to Elsa calling his name.

His eyes held a gentleness that she had only seen once before, when he had mistakenly believed she was injured and bleeding after her kidnapping.

“You saved me?” she asked, her eyes flickering with confusion.

Why would Jeremy's best friend, the same person who had nearly choked her to death, rescue her?

“Of course, I did.” Bruno replied with a smile.

She looked at Bruno, one eye at a time, then asked weakly, “Why?”

Bruno’s voice was filled with a mix of emotions as he answered, “I had to save you, Gwen. The guilt from that day still haunts me to this day. The day I handcuffed you and then you got hurt, even though you hadn’t even betraying Jeremy, I still cannot forgive myself for leaving you so vulnerable that something happened to you.

“The sight blood I found on the floor and on your dress doesn’t  let me sleep. It keeps me up at night. I had to find a way to make it up to you, and when the opportunity arose, I didn't hesitate.”

Elsa had’nt expected that day to weigh so heavily on Bruno. His voice was filled with guilt and fear.

Before she could respond, she asked, “How did you suddenly appear though?”

“I am a painter, just like you,” he replied nonchalantly.

Elsa wanted to ask how Bruno knew she was a painter, but she stopped herself before the words escaped her lips. She assumed he knew because he had been at Victoria McConnell's birthday party.

So she let him continue with his explanation.


He  continued. “This morning, being a free day for me, I decided to paint after taking a long break. I wanted to capture the cliff and its view of the sea. That’s why I drove there at that time. I had all my painting supplies with me. I just happened to arrive at the moment you fell over the cliff

“When Vic told me what happened, claiming that you two had fought and you tripped on a root, I knew I had to save you and make sure you were okay. It was the least I could do after putting you in danger before.”

Elsa knew Victoria wouldn’t have told Bruno the truth, that she had pushed her over the cliff. She would have told Bruno herself, but there was nothing to be gained from it.

When Elsa didn’t respond, Bruno continued with his apology. “Let me apologize to you, Gwen–”

“Elsa,” she interrupted

“What?” Bruno was confused.

“I’m not Gwen, I’m Elsa. That’s my name, my true name. Call me Elsa.”

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