chapter 236

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Elsa was woken up early in the morning to a knock on her door.

At first, she thought it could be Jeremy. She had changed the locks to the door so he didn't have a key anymore.

But when she looked through they peep hole and saw an elegant, graceful and poised middle aged man with some grey in his brown hair, standing infront for her door. She was so surprised at this early visit.

Mr McConnell was here to see her?

She opened the door nervously. She felt she looked so unpresentable in her yellow Pikachu pajamas, her unkempt hair, and her bare face straight from sleep.

"Miss Elsa, good morning." Mr McConnell said with a smile the moment she opened the door. "I hope I didn't wake you."

Elsa smiled warmly. "No, of course you didn't." She lied.

She then stepped to the side to make room for him. "Please, come in."

James thanked her and walked in. He was carrying a bag with him. He put the bag on the table.

"I came to check on you, make sure you didn't get a cold from last night."

Elsa couldn't believe what she heard. She felt all warm and fuzzy on the inside when she heard that. She never had a father caring for her all her life, this was new.

Though Mr McConnell wasn't her father, she still felt like there was a fatherly kind of care from him.

"Thank you Mr McConnell. I didn't get a cold. I'm very much okay." She smiled showing her teeth this time.

"That's good to know. You should be taking more care of yourself from now on."

He then pointed at the carrier bag on the table. "I brought you some breakfast."

Elsa couldn't believe it, she really was feeling like she was being taken care of.

She met this man only once before yesterday, and even at that time he still wanted to take care of her by driving her home.

And instead of her finding that weird, she was very welcoming to that idea.


Elsa took out the food from the bag and it was take out breakfast for her.

"Mr McConnell, I don't know what to say.... You really shouldn't have. This  feels like a simple gesture, but feels too generous, too."

"It's really not. It's just a simple gesture, I promise. I just want you to be okay, that's all."

Elsa looked at him with interest. He wondered if he too felt the connection between them. But since she couldn't ask that directly, she asked this instead,
"And why is that, Mr McConnell? Could it be because I look like your mother?"

Mr McConnell signed dropping his shoulders before answering, "Honestly, that is a reason. I keep seeing her in you. I don't know how possible it is for two people to look alike, that are not even related. But everytime I see you, I see her."

The other reason was something he couldn't explain. Something inside him, his blood, it just kept pulling him towards her.

It kept telling him this was someone important to him. Someone he knew.

But he just didn't know how he knew her.

But his affection for Elsa was more of a fatherly kind of affection. That even more weird to him.

Before Elsa could answer, his phone rang and he asked Elsa for a moment to answer it.

"Mr McConnell, the next project of Simba, there has been a little hiccup. We need you at Simba Co-operation immediately, Sir." Elsa heard someone on the other side say.

This was the second time Elsa heard the name Simba.

She waited for James to finish the call saying he was coming to the company in a few minutes.

When he hanged up, she immediately asked, "Mr McConnell, what does Simba mean?"

He answered with a smile, "Simba means Lion."

"Lion..." Elsa repeated that word absentmindedly. Maybe she had heard the word Simba before but never took note of the meaning.

"Maybe one day, I could tell you the history of Simba and my family." Mr McConnell offer was so he could spend time with Elsa.

Elsa immediately lit up, maybe she could use that chance to ask if he knew her mother.

"I would love that Mr McConnell."

After that, he bid her goodbye and left.

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