chapter 262

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Elsa was seated on the couch with a bowl of fruit on her lap. She had a fruit knife with her as she casually cut and ate an apple, smirking at Victoria.

Jeremy had hurt Elsa, truly hurt her.

And in brief moments when she was alone in his room, the effects of her tumor started to appear.

This was because she was breaking even more. Three weeks of nothing but torment had broken her even further.

So much so that when she learned she would be allowed out of the room that day, she allowed her pain to take over. She didn't fight it. She needed to be in control so she could deal with Victoria first.

Jeremy would follow Victoria soon.

She didn't need to get angry or triggered; she was already triggered enough for this side of her to come out on its own.

Elsa smiled at Victoria as she charged at her.

Seeing the smile on Elsa's face, Victoria stopped midway remembering Elsa recording her the previous time and causing her all these problems. She put her coffee on the table next to her as she started looking for cameras.

She hadn't even faced James and Rosanna yet, not knowing what to tell them. She couldn't face them without a convincing reason for her confession.

She was aware of just how serious the matter was.

Even though the McConnells had the article taken down, clips of her admitting what she did to Elsa were still all over the internet, being distributed by burner accounts.

Her face was everywhere as everyone demanded a press conference from the McConnells before the matter got worse.

Elsa knew this. She knew the next day the McConnells would try to do some cleaning up and damage control. So she needed to make things worse. So much worse that they couldn't come up with any excuse to help their precious daughter.

Victoria's status as a celebrity was all made up by her being Jeremy's girlfriend and the lion cub of the McConnells, yet her image was ruined in just an hour.

She was anxious.

With her back against the wall, she wondered how she should fix her situation.

And now, only one solution came to mind. All she could think of was forcing Elsa to make an apology video, saying her accusations and video were fake.

Saying it was a prank or the video was faked with the intention of ruining Victoria's name.

With her anger at its peak, she wanted to attack Elsa at that moment and strangle her to death. But she had to be careful. If she was going to beat up Elsa and make her oblige and clear her name, she needed to make sure Elsa wasn't recording her.

Victoria suddenly saw a phone on the table. She looked at it closely and saw it was in a purple phone case with a ring stand. The phone was positioned to stand upright, and its back camera was facing Victoria.

Victoria immediately knew she was being recorded again.

She rushed over to the phone.

Seeing Victoria about to take the phone, Elsa pretended to reach for it, only to delay her grab and let Victoria snatch it away.

Victoria looked at the phone and indeed, the video camera was recording Victoria. She couldn't risk Elsa recording her again. If Elsa thought could get her again, then she was too naive to think so.

"So you think you can record me again? You think I will allow you to trick me again?"

Elsa got up from the couch, panic in her voice as she pleaded, "Victoria, give me back my phone."

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