★chapter 266★

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Very important chapter.


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“Elsa! Elsa!... Elsa, wake up!” Bruno’s voice grew fainter and fainter in Elsa’s ears until she couldn't hear him at all.

Elsa opened her eyes and found herself outside Jeremy's villa.

It was late at night, probably midnight, and she was standing in front of Jeremy’s villa, which was engulfed in flames.

Elsa was wearing a white dress and white sneakers at the time. Different from the dress she was in before losing consciousness.

She looked at the burning house in shock, wondering how the entire building could be consumed by such blazing flames.

“Do you like my creation?” a voice behind her said, startling Elsa.

She turned to see who it was and found a version of herself dressed in a black dress similar to hers.

It was Dark Elsa.

But this time she wasn't wearing a crown and a black gown.

“Did you do this?” Elsa asked, pointing at the fire.

Dark Elsa smirked as she walked to Elsa's side. “Do you like it?” she asked.

Suddenly, Elsa heard someone calling for help. She tried to follow the sound and spotted a figure at the second-floor bedroom window.

It looked like Jeremy!

He was desperately trying to open the window and escape the burning house.

“Help! Elsa! Please help me! Come save me, please!” Jeremy's voice sounded desperate and afraid. He was looking right at Elsa as he called her asking for her help.

Elsa’s heart skipped a beat, and she immediately wanted to go save him.

“I’m coming, Jeremy! Hold on!”

She took a step towards the house, but Dark Elsa grabbed her hand and stopped her.

Elsa tried to pull her hand back, but Dark Elsa's grip was too strong. Her dark eyes were filled with venom and anger as she asked, “How can you still be so weak?”

Confused, Elsa looked at her.

It was then that she heard other people screaming inside the house. She looked back and saw figures through the window. They resembled everyone who had hurt her: Lorna, Esther, Rosanna, John, and Victoria.

Their screams were filled with pain. They were getting burnt alive!

“You can’t burn them alive. This is not how I want to get revenge!” Elsa told Dark Elsa, her voice shaky.

Dark Elsa rolled her eyes and maintained her firm grip on Elsa, preventing her from running inside to save Jeremy.

“This is why I’m glad you have a brain tumor. I’m happy that one of the results of your tumor is personality changes. Yes, that. Maybe we could even call it double personalities, or even bipolar.”

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