chapter 214

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Elsa had dragged her body that was weak from the floor to her bedroom where she took her painkillers and bandaged her hand.

She was glad she didn't see any blood on her panties, but she had to go to the hospital the next day. She feared Jeremy's actions may have harmed the baby in some kind of way.

He had turned into a violent devil. Something that made her fear for her child's life.

The unwanted child.

She was too tired, weak, and in too much pain to take herself to the hospital at that time. She had no choice but to sleep the pain off, and pray in the morning she would be all better and can leave for the hospital.

Elsa had just changed into another night dress and gotten into bed to try to get some sleep after such a traumatic experience, when her bedroom door flang open and hit the wall with a loud bang!

Elsa's jumped from fright and turned to look at the door. Only to see Jeremy coming into her bedroom.

He had left dressed in a suit and looking kempt. But he had returned two hours later, around 10pm, with the top buttons of his shirt undone, his tie loosened, his coat missing, and his hair all messy.

He had a bottle on alcohol in his hand that he kept drinking as he staggered his way to Elsa.

"Why do you keep doing this? When will you stop being so vile and wicked?" He asked as he got close to her.

Elsa started shaking at his presence. Her face still hurt from his slap, she didn't want to be hit again.

"So you wanted to kill Victoria so you can get me all to yourself? Isn't that you told her? You like me so much you want the competition gone? So you told Vic that you would kill her because you  want her gone so you will be the only woman with me?"

Elsa was confused. When had she said that?

"Jeremy, I never said anything like that. I never told her-"

"Lies!" He yelled at her angrily interrupting her.

"You lie so much Gwen it's like your daily bread."

"Jeremy, I -"

"You are a manipulative woman! You have a black heart and an ugly character. All you do is hurt people because you are so evil! You wicked woman!" He threw the bottle against the wall making it break with a loud sound.

The sound of the bottle shattering, seemed to have triggered the pain in Elsa's tumor back, the same pain she was trying to kill with her medicine.

She held her head with both hands in pain.

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