chapter 261

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This one is not edited so there is probably some mistakes. And it maybe edited and adding some things later because it feels unfinished to me. But I had to give you this.

 But I had to give you this

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Elsa lay on her bed, tears streaming down her face. She hugged herself tightly, trembling violently.

Still naked, she faced away from him, sobbing over her little broken heart.

She never thought she would cry for Jeremy again, but the pain he caused was too much to bear. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hold back her tears.

Suddenly, Elsa felt Jeremy's hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump in fear. She had just started to feel less afraid of him, but now she was terrified. He moved closer and gently removed the tears from her face. Then, he kissed her cheek and whispered, "Turn around and look at me."

Elsa froze, not wanting to face him anymore. She couldn't bring herself to do it. When she didn't move, Jeremy yelled at her, "Now!"

Startled, Elsa shook to her core. Slowly, she turned to look at Jeremy. Her eyes were filled with tears, her eyelashes damp, and her nose red. Jeremy wiped a tear from her cheek and asked, "Do you still hate me?"

Elsa's trembling lips caught Jeremy's attention and he rubbed it gently with his thumb. "Tell me, Elsa. Do you still hate me?"

Elsa knew what he wanted her to say, so she said it despite not meaning it.

"No... I don't hate you," Elsa managed to say.

"Then kiss me," Jeremy demanded.

Still trembling, Elsa looked at Jeremy with confusion. "Don't make me repeat myself. I'm telling you the last, I want a goodnight kiss from you."

She pushed her shaking body closer to him and leaned in to kiss his lips. Jeremy held her in his arms, but there was no affection in the gesture. It was more like he was holding her captive. "Now go to sleep," he commanded.

Elsa thought that the next morning Jeremy would finally let her go, but he didn't. He had Mrs. Jacobs bring her meals and kept her locked up in his room all day. When Jeremy returned in the evening, he did the same thing to her again. And after he was done, he made Elsa kiss him goodnight.

Elsa was not allowed to leave his bedroom, so she remained locked up there all day. The only time the door opened was when Mrs. Jacobs brought her food. Elsa saw this as her chance to escape, as Jeremy might fire the woman if she caused any problems. Even if she did manage to escape, Jeremy had warned her that his security wouldn't let her pass the gate.

Elsa would cry in the bathroom as the shower water hit her head and wet her body. Every night, Jeremy would do what he wanted, then make her kiss him and say she didn't hate him anymore before holding her until she fell asleep. His actions haunted her nightmares, making her afraid both when she was awake and when she was asleep.

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