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"Please don't judge me." Jongseob said as he met the other by the bus station. He looked at him with serious eyes and hands almost trembling.

"Trust me I won't."

He took the others hand and walked with him to the apartment building. It had around eight floors and had a dark blue color to it. The darkness outside made it look even darker.

Jongseob opened the door with the code and they stood in the eks yet to get up to the 6th floor.

"I'm gonna say this now." The younger one turned to Shota. "My dad is an alcoholic and that's why he and my mom broke up."

He waited for the other reaction but it was quite for a while. Shota was just looking at him with caring eyes.

"He doesn't have a job." He turned away again and the elevator stopped. "Someone from the government is giving us money so we'll survive. My mom at least had a job but it wasn't enough for her." Jongseob smiled. It was genuine but also a smile off pain.

"I'm sorry this is what your going through Seob." Shota finally spoke.

They stood outside the door to the apartment Jongseob was living in.

"You still want to be with me even if this is how it looks?" He asked.

"Yes." He nodded.

Jongseob smiled again and locked up the door.

His dad was awake. He was watching something on the tv, another beer in his hand.

"A friend is over." Jongseob said as they stepped in.

A friend, Shota repeated the words to himself in his head. It stung. But still he knew he couldn't blame the younger boy. You never knew how Jongseobs dad would react to him having a boyfriend.

"Okay." Was all the old man on the couch said. He took another sip from his bear and let out a long weird noise.

Jongseob looked down, clearly uncomfortable as he took of his shoes. Shota did the same.

Shota took a last glance of Jongseobs dad before they walked into his room.

It was a small tidy room. He had a few posters up, his bed in the corner next to the window which was neatly made. His table was a bit messy with a few schools books and some pens and next to it was a full bookshelf.

"It's very cute in here." Shota spoke.

"Thank you." The boy smiled.

He turned to Shota about to say something more before the other spoke instead.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. Trust me." He began. "My mom left my dad for the same reason. Or other reasons too, but one of them being the alcohol abuse."

Jongseob just stood there in the middle of his room watching his boyfriend speak. After a few seconds he nodded as a reply, wanting Shota to continue.

"He drank a lot and his personality changed. It got so bad he started being aggressive. Not towards me or Lily, but my mom."

Jongseob nodded again and let out a little sight. "I see."

"She tried to hide it from us but one day she could t anymore, when we saw what was going on. That was when she decided to move." He took a small break before continuing the story. "First we just moved to a new apartment in Tokyo, but he wouldn't leave us alone. So we had to move far away, that was when she decided on Korea. Since it was where she was born at first."

Jongseob looked at Shota. He was fidgeting with his hand and had a sad expression on his face.

"I'm very sorry you had to go through that Shota." The younger one began to speak. "I- I'm happy you told me." It was clear he didn't exactly know what to say but he took a few steps closer to Shota before hugging him. He rested his head on his shoulder. "I mean it was kinda the same for me and my parents. My dad was never aggressive physically but they fought a lot. And my mom didn't want me to be in that environment, but my dad still wanted to have some form of contact with me even if they split up." He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I never told you anything."

Shota smiled a bit and placed his hands around Jongseobs waist.

"It's okay." He said and pulled him closer.

Jongseob was debating about telling him about his mom. It felt like the right thing to do but he didn't know how to get the words out.

"Are we gonna stand here all day hugging?" Shota continued.

Jongseob looked up and smiled a bit before placing a small kiss on his lips.



I got a comment about who tops and I'll let y'all figure out yourself HAHAHAAH

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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