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"Can you please stay home one night?" Shota asked feeling his voice slowly break. "It's my birthday."

Lily rolled her eyes. "I have planned this for 2 weeks." She almost screamed.

He didn't know what to say. He just stood there watching her. Ever since they moved they hadn't hung out for one minute. Shota felt like it was time to give up on their relationship.

"You're not gonna answer?" She asked.

"No." He spoke. "I don't know what to say."

"Okay I hope you have a great birthday tomorrow ." She spat and closed the door behind her with a slam.

Shota sat down on his bed. He didn't even know what to think. All he wanted was for his relationship with his sister to go back to normal, but it was like he had a new life here.

His mom would work most of the time, and also have the pressure about his sister never being home, she was worried.

The boy laid down on his bed, facing the roof. He took up his phone. No texts or notifications. Just Pokémon go telling him some new Pokémons could be found, but he didn't have the energy to care.

The clock had just turned 23 at 31 if January. Tomorrow was his birthday. I'm one hour he was turning 17 (international age).  He signed and threw the phone next to him on the bed. Shota had no idea why but all he wanted was for Jongseob to send him a text.


"Happy birthday Shota!!" Keeho screamed out taking the boy in his arms.

Shota hugged back, feeling everyone eyes at him. They where all gonna go to his place after school. He was happy his birthday was on a Friday so all of them could spend the whole night together.

Everyone was smiling including Shota. Keeho was taller than him and he rested his head on the older ones chest.

"Happy birthday!" Theo, Intak and Jiung screamed out with their hands in the air when the boy released from the hug.

"We will give you the gifts after school." Jiung smiled.

Jongseob was watching the scene having a smile on his face even though it hurt seeing his friend hugging Keeho like that. The hug was long and tight, Shota resting his head against the others chest.

"Yes, of course but no need to give me anything." The but shyly smiled shaking his head.

"But of course we need to." Theo smiled.

"Yes we do." Jongseob stepped closer to the other waving at the older boys.

"Jongseob!" Intak smiled. " I didn't see you at first."

"Yeah." He awkwardly put his hand behind his head. "I was hiding behind the lockers."

"Why'd you do that lil bro?" Jiung out an arm around the younger.

"I don't know."

The other started laughing but the time was soon over and they had to get to their last classes before all of them could reunite.


Jongseob and Shota only had one lesson left while the others had two. Both of them got to Shotas house earlier to decorate for his birthday. They had their normal routine at the buss, sharing AirPods and resting their head against each others.

Shota locked up the door to the apartment. Jongseob noticed they had where more "moved in" now. Less boxes with stuff.

"It's very pretty here." He smiled and took of his bag placing it in the hallway room.

"Ah thank you, it's nothing much." Shota answered.

Jongseob was aware that they didn't have the best economy and he was probably a bit nervous taking the others to his house for the first time. He knew Keehos house was luxury.

"It doesn't matter, it's still very cozy and I bet the others will love it too." Jongseob smiled caringly as the other stood up after taking of his shoes.

Shota smiled nervously back. "Thank you."

"Of course, let's get the stuff up now." Without thinking he took the other by the wrist to get into his room.

Both the boys helped each other to set up balloons and snacks, also cleaning up a little bit.

"It looks amazing." Jongseob said as he put the cake on the table. "This will be so fun."

Shota smiled and walked up to him. "Yes." He nodded.

Suddenly they heard three knocks on the door. Both the boys ran up to the door to open. They found four other guys standing their with gifts in their hands. "Happy birthday to you." They started dining and Jongseob joined clapping his hands. "Happy birthday dear Shota, happy birthday to you"

The long haired boy smiled shyly. "Thank you guys."

"Your welcome." Jiung spoke, stepped into the apartment and put an arm around his shoulder. "We are just happy we can celebrate with you."

They started with eating dinner together. Of course it was tacos. Everyone seemed to enjoy the dish and they made many fun conversations with everyone.

"Intak shut up." Theo rolled his eyes blushing.

"Come on, I can't help it when you act this cute." He smirked teasingly.

Everyone else was laughing at it. Since the time at the party they had seemed to be getting closer and closer.

Theo playfully slapped Intaks arm making the younger one dramatically yell. It was obviously just games.

"Okay I'll fix the dishes." Shota said standing up from his chair.

Jongseob watched him while Keeho spoke "No, it's your birthday I'll fix it." He placed his larger hand on the younger ones pale fingers. Shota looked at home and Keeho looked back.

"It's my place so-"

Keeho chuckled. He shook his head. "Let me and Theo fix it and you guys can play just dance."

"O-okay." He nodded blushing.

Intak and Jongseob were rolling their eyes. Keeho and Theo where now found in the kicthen cleaning up after the kids and Shota was being all happy to himself after Keeho had been sweet to him. It was definitely a lie that he didn't have a crush on the too old boy.

"Uhm Intak do you wanna dance to a song together?" Jongseob turned to him, trying his best not to think about Shota.

"Yeah why not." Intak smirked and put an arm around the younger shoulder taking him up to the tv.

Jiung and Shota where fixing the game.

"Do you guys wanna do this one?" Jiung asked clicking on a Big Bang song.

"Yes, that will be awesome." Intak answered all exited.

Shota and Jiung sat down on the sofa watching the two other ones dancing their hearts out laughing. The long haired boy rested his head against the wall taking a deep breath. He felt sad. His heart was heavy. Ever since the others had arrived Jongseob almost didn't say a word to him. He missed talking to him, and for some reason just wanted his attention. Shota watched Intak getting closer to him and how both of them seemed to have such a good time together. Shota wished he could be the one to make Jongseob laugh that much.


Thanks for the support. I'm gonna post next chapter as soon as possible <33

Cool With You (soulseob)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora