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"Bye we will be home later tonight!" Jongseob smiled at his mom and walked away.

Of course he had lied and said he would be staying as Theos place tonight. He would never have told her he would go to a party when he was only 16 years old. She would never let him do that.

The younger boys ran up to the car, Keeho driving and Keeho next to him. Intak was sitting in the backseat alone.

"I hope you have become a better driver now." Jongseob laughed as he opened the door.

"Shut up." He rolled his eyes.

Keeho had just taken his drivers license.

Jongseob smiled at Shota and let him jump in the car first. He sat next to Intak on the smaller seat in the middle.

"Hurry up boys." Theo almost screamed as he turned on the radio.

When Jongseob sat down his legs where touching Shotas. The car wasn't that big and the seat it's the middle wasn't either making Shota being close to both Intak and Jongseob.

The red haired boy looked down at their legs. Seeing both if their black jeans touching. He slowly glanced up to get eye contact with the other. They stopped for a minute just looking at each other. Jongseob felt his heart skip a beat but both of them looked away at the same time.

His heart was still beating while he looked out the car window. His leg was always lightly touching the others. It didn't feel weird or wrong, just nice to be close to him.

Keeho and Intak were singing their hearts out to California girls a bit too loudly but Jongseob just found it funny. He could hear Shota next to him humming along to the song.


The ride has been very fun even though Jongseob and Shota mostly sat silently. It was nice that the others had fun and listening to a lot of music.

When they stepped out the boys where exposed to a large house and they could hear music beats even outside.

A lot of people where standing inside with a glass in their hands.

"Let's party guys!" Jiung screamed putting his hands in the air.

Jongseob and Theo rolled their eyes. All of them started to walk in to hear the music even louder.

The youngest boy looked around him. There where popular kids from the school everywhere, all lowkey glaring at him.

He tried to awkwardly smile it off, feeling more and more like he was at the wrong place.

The older boys all started talking to others while him and Shota just stood staring at the other kids.

"What now?" Jongseob asked.

"I have no idea." The other replied looking at him.

"Uh." Jongseob said. "Should we just walk around and see what we find? This place is pretty big."

Shota nodded. "Yes."

"Okay." Jongseob grabbed his arm and they started to walk around.

Both boys felt suprised about how big the house was.

Most people where dancing, talking and some people could be found making out.

Jongseob glanced over at Shota with an uncomfortable face seeing a girl and a boy getting into it in a corner. The other just laughed.

"I have never really been to parties before, this is all new to me." The red haired chuckled.

They decided to sit down in a room where no one was. The music could still be heard loudly.

Cool With You (soulseob)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin