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It was awkward. It was like that conversation had never happened between them, but still both knew. Shota was way too shy to bring it up with Jongseob and it was the same for the other.

They kept on acting like good friends. It was the same as any other day but just with the knowledge of the others feelings in the back of the head.

Jongseob rolled his eyes and laid down on his bed watching the sealing. His mom still wasn't home and it was 8pm. Normally she was back home by 5. He knew she was out doing her new business but it still made him worried, and it wasn't like she wanted her to be out selling drugs again.

Just as he was gonna check his phone again, he heard an aggressive knock on the door. Feeling confused he got up, fixed his pants to see who it was. He looked through the peep hole. Jongseob was hoping to see is mother but it where two strangers standing outside. He took a step back.

"We are the police we won't hurt you, we just..." The police man softly smiled. "have an investigation to do."

Jongseob heart sank. She had been caught.

He took a deep breath, holding back his tears and opened the door for the man and the woman.

"Hello there." The woman smiled, giving Jongseob a comforting smile.

He awkwardly smiled back. "My moms not home at the moment."

"I see." She answered and started to take off her shoes. "Is your dad?

"He doesn't live here." The teenager replied.

Both of the police's nodded.

There was a tense aura in the air. Jongseob didn't know if he should say something or just keep on being quite.

"Do you know why we are here?" The man of the two asked as he went into the living room to look around.

Jongseob took a moment before he answered. "Yes." He followed them slowly.

The woman started searching through the cabinets.

"That's good." He said and went up to the teenage boy. "I'm very sorry about this but there isn't much we can do."

"I know." He looked down, not wanting the stranger to see his eyes watering. "It's for the best."

Even if he didn't look he could sense the man nodding. "We are also suspecting she is selling to minors, which is making this case even worse."

Lily. That was all Jongseob could think about. They lived in pretty much the same area, so she was probably the one who sold to her.

"I think I know one she sold to." He breathed out.

It didn't take long until they found what they where looking for. Now all they could do was wait for Jongseobs mother to be home and arrest her.

It obviously hurt. It hurt like a bitch. He didn't wanna have to go live with his dad and lose his mother for some years. This couldn't even get worse. The only good thing he could think about was that he would live closer to Shota, but saying his mom was a drug dealer wasn't something he wanted to share to anyone.

"Can you tell us who it is?" The woman asked.

Jongseob froze for a moment. He didn't want Shota to know but he had to get in contact with his sister.

"Just some students from my school." He didn't meet their eyes.

"Do you know exactly who?"

"No." He lied. It felt terrible to lie, but it felt like the best thing to do in this situation.

Jongseob could see the cops nodding in the corner of his eyes.

"We will wait til your mom is home, so we can arrest her."

Jongseob only nodded again.

"You can decide what you wanna do."

"Can I leave?"

"Yes, you can." She answered with a smile.

"Thank you." Jongseob turned around to get to his room and pack some stuff. He didn't know if he would go to Intaks place to his dad. Sadly his dad never really had a good reaction to him arriving.

"Jongseob." He heard the lady's voice and he stopped for a second. "You are handing this very maturely, and I'm sorry you have to go through this."

"It's okay. Thank you." He smiled even if he knew she wouldn't see.

He got his favorite bag and packed the most important things he could find. Some clothes, a book, some skincare.

It didn't take long until he was out. He closed the door behind him, plugging in his earphones.


He sat down on the bus feeling everything and nothing at the same time. Jongseob let his mom on the way out, all he could say he was that he was going for a walk. He didn't wanna see her, because it hurt.

His eyes were watering. To be honest, the best thing he could do was to let himself cry.


The red haired boy stared out the window, listening to my chemical romance. He was all in his own thought until he heard Shotas bus stop.

He looked up, and decided to go off there. Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but he really wanted to see Shota. He stepped out in dark and took up his phone to text the other. The text he sent said I'm almost outside your place, can we meet up.

It didn't take long until the other replied with okay.


I Litrelly didn't update for ages, this part isn't the best so I'm gonna do all I can to update soon since I have ideas for the next part. All of you are so nice and I'm so happy for the support this story is getting. Lots of love <3

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