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Shota woke up feeling exited for the first time in his life; or for as long as he could remember. Jongseob approaching him had made him exited to go back to school the next day. His mom was actually surprised to see him that happy after a school day but it made her heart all warm.

"Was it a good day at school?" She asked her son.

"Yes it was mom." He answered smiling and then going up to his room.

The boy was smiling the whole way to school. He finally had friends he thought to himself.


Jongseob looked his locker. He didn't get a lot of sleep that night, he was up playing games most of the night like he often would do.


The said boy turned around to find Shota standing in front of him.

"Hey there." He took out his books.

"Can you show me the way to class?" He asked staring at Jongseob.

Jongseob chuckled. "Okay I'll show you the way, but no need to be so formal." He gave the boy a soft smile.

Shota looked at him with confused eyes. "Formal?"

"Yeah we are friends, loosen up."


Jongseob laughed again. "Great but do you have your books for the class?" Jongseob smiled finding it cute how confused the older was.

"Oh yes, I have them in my bag."

The blond haired boy had a toot bag he pointed on. Jongseob watched the toot bag. It had a lot of small pins.

"Amazing, let's go." Jongseob said happily and started walking to show the way to the new student.

Shota followed him through the corridor and up the stairs. He felt a bit awkward not having a lot to say. But after all it was only the second day of school of course it would be a little bit awkward.


The two boys sat down next to each other. Jongseob took out his books and pens. Shota noticed how prepared the boy was, he must have good grades he thought to himself.

The boy ruffled down his hand in his bag looking for his pen, just to quickly realize he had forgotten it at home.

He signed.

"You okay Shota?" The red haired asked turning around to watch him.

"Yeah." He placed his hang behind his head. "Just forgot my pen." An awkward laugh escaped his mouth.

"Don't worry." The other boy picked up a pen. "Here. Use this one." He placed it in the others hand. "By the way Shota."


"Me and the others are hanging out after school today." He stopped for a second feeling a bit nervous to ask since they weren't close at all yet. His eyes wandered around the room. "Do you wanna join?" Jongseob quickly looked away from Shotas eyes.

"Really?" The boy asked giving Jongseob big surprised eyes.

"Yeah of course."

"I-I would love to!" Shota almost screamed.

Jongseob smiled at the boys answered and kept on doing his work.


The whole day was Shota and Jongseob going and leaving classes together only getting to know each other more. They would talk about their opinions on different subjects, favorite colors and much more.

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