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"Why have they been so awkward?" Theo asked watching the younger boys walk away in the hallway.

"I really don't know." Intak answered crossing his arms and letting out a sight. "Maybe something happened between them."

"Maybe." Theo answered. "It just makes me sad, they would hang out all the time and never stop talking but now... yeah."

Intak nodded. "It's okay." He put his hand on the older ones shoulder.

Theo looked at him and smiled. "I can talk to Jongseob."

"Alright." He nodded and both of them walked away.

Jongseobs head was still full of the memories from the kiss. He wanted to pretend it never happened with Shota, but he knew both of them were still thinking about it.

He glanced over the room to see Shota sit at the other end. He had his pen in his hand writing them every word the teacher was saying. Jongseob looked back, his eyes in his notebook. For some reason he didn't feel like focusing during this class.

"Okay I'm gonna call it there." The teacher spoke drooping her pen on the table in front of her. "See you tomorrow." She spoke like she wish she had never signed up for this work.

All the students started packing their stuff making lot's of noise. Jongseob would steal a glance at Shota around every five seconds only to notice him doing the same. Everything was so awkward.

The red haired boy put everything in his bag before walking out of the classroom. Students voices could be heard everywhere. He really wished people wouldn't be so loud.

It took him around five minutes to even get to his locker because students would be crossed in front of them just talking. He rolled his eyes before he finally could get his stuff and go home.

Jongseob took out his jacket and laid the books in the locker. He could hear footsteps coming closer behind him. Without looking he knew it was Shota.

"Hey." The long haired said.

"Hi." Jongseob replied and turned around.

Shota was dressed simply in all black. He had a little silver chain around his neck and hair was half up.

"What are you gonna do today?" Shota asked.

There where only a few other students to be seen in the hallway. Most had already gone home since it was pretty late and most of the students had already had their last lesson for the day.

"Nothing really." Jongseob shook his head. "What about you?" He put his bag over his shoulder.

"Pretty much same here." Shota said and shrugged his shoulders.

They kept quite for a moment. Just listening to the few voices that where still in school and the footsteps.

Shota glanced at the younger boy. He wanted to ask to hang out, try to forget about what happened and go back to normal.

"Do you wanna do something?" Shota almost whispered. He regretted his words the same second that Jongseob looked at him.

"Why not..." He answered and looked down.

Both were thinking the same thing to try to forget about the kiss.


Jongseob decided to invite Shota over. It maybe would be less awkward if they hung out at a different place this time.

They took the bus, normally. It was quite between the two, awkward, but to be honest it could definitely have been worse.

Both made a bit of a small talk while taking the trip to Jongseobs apartment.

"Are you at your moms or dads place?" Shota asked when he sat down between the latter.

Jongseob looked back at him. "My moms place." He said. "I'm not at my dads place that often." After he finished the sentence he added a small smile to try to make the setting less awkward.

"Why?" Shota asked turning to the other without hesitation.

Jongseob gave him a surprised look. His lips where only a tiny bit parted and eyes big.

"It's okay if you don't wanna answer."
Shota continued and look away quickly.

"No, no, it's okay." The red haired replied and did the same thing, looking away.

He kept quite for some seconds before he continued his answer. "I just don't really like being there. He is not that nice you know."

Shota nodded. He remembered his the other had sounded worried when he decided to go to his dads place to keep Shots company.

"It's the same with my dad." He said. "So, I understand."

"It's why you moved, right?"

Jongseob could see Shota nod in the corner of his eye.

"My mom also got a job here, which helped us move."

"That's good at least. I hope you enjoy it here." Jongseob looked up and smiled.

"I definitely do, I got a really good friend."


Jongseob we're still hurt by the words when they entered his apartment. He would repeat them in his head over and over again. Friend. If only Shota knew he wanted to be so much more.

They stepped in to notice no one was home.

Jongseob let out a breath. "I don't think my mom is home. It looks very dead here."

Shota nodded and both started to take of their shoes.

"Do you want a glass of water?" The younger one turned around. Shota nodded.

Jongseob walked into the kitchen being right next to the hallway. He could feel Shota behind him.

The boy was about to walk up to the counter to fill up two glasses of water but something caught his attention. He glanced at the counter. It was a bunt of money again and a small plastic bag with a lot of pills in. Slowly he turned back to look at Shota who looked just as confused as him.

Jongseob grabbed the small bag to take a closer look at it. It was all obvious him. It was some form of drugs. All the puzzle pieces fell to place right in front of his eyes as he glared at the pills. His mom was selling to provide more money for them. It wasn't like his dad helped with the economy anyways so what was she supposed to do. But he was still furious.

With shaking hands he turned to look at the other again. Shota had his phone in his hand looking at the screen.

"My sister is calling." He spoke softly and answered the phone, putting it to his ear.

All that came out from the phone was loud cries even Jongseob could hear clearly.


Thank all of you for all the support. This was a pretty late update and I don't know how I feel about this chapter. But I hope you enjoy

Cool With You (soulseob)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang