526 21 21

It had been some days since Jongseobs and Shotas sleep over. After the movie they fell asleep deeply. The next day wasn't too interesting, it mostly consisted of them trying their best to study together and after lunch Jongseob would walk him to the bus station.

Jongseob would many lessons catch himself staring at the long haired boy. Everything about him just started to mesmerize him.

It felt weird to him, crushing on another boy. Jongseob had never really put a label on himself since he had never had a crush like this before.


The two boys where on their way to the lunch hall once again. To their win they didn't have any more lessons but they decided to go and spend some time with the older boys since they hadn't really catches up a lot after the party.

They arrived at the table finding Theo crossing his arms and the three others laughing.

"Shut up, I was just drunk let's forget it even happened." The blond boy rolled his eyes.

Both the 2005 born boys knew what they where talking about, what happened between him and Intak.

Just as the words had left Theos mouth you could see the Intaks smile fading away from his face. He dragged a hand through his hair glancing away.

"Yeah it was just a funny incident." He spoke softly.

"Yeah, it happens sometimes, ha ha," Jiung said awkwardly trying to joke around, but the tense air was around them all.

Intak didn't even look up. He was just staring down on his knees while the other tried their best to eat the food without awkwardness.


The whole gang decided to go out together again. They just decided to go out for some food. Jiung and Keeho were the only ones really talking. Jongseob tried his best to talk a little bit Intak who was walking alone in the back.

"It's okay Intak." He smiled and put a hand on his shoulder.

The older boy nodded and made an awkward smile.

Jongseob thought about telling Intak about his feeling for Shota, maybe he would feel less alone.

"You know, I'm kinda in the same situation at the moment." He said so quietly almost Intak couldn't hear him.

"You-" Intak started talking and Jongseob threw his hands over the old era mouth.

"Keep it down." He glared into his eyes still having the hands over his mouth. "Let's keep walking now."

The others had turned to look at them. Shota was standing next to Theo looking confused.

"We are just joking around we can keep walking." Intak chuckled feeling embarrassed."

"You have a crush?" He asked this time actually whispering.

"Yes, I do." He nodded.

"Do you wanna tell me who it is?"

He walked up closer to Intak. "The long haired one." Jongseob talked into his ear making sure no one would hear. "I'm only telling you because I trust you and you know you ain't alone."


"Shhhh. Yes it is."

He looked at Jongseob with surprised eyes. "I have seen how you look at him." Intak laughed.

"Shut up." Jongseob rolled his eyes. "I don't wanna like him you know."

"Have you even had a crush before?"

The younger one shook his head putting his hand into the pockets of his hoodie.

"I see." Intak said looking away.

They were quite but not awkward at all. Intak and Jongseob had always been pretty close. Both of them where on the younger side which made Jongseob feel more comfortable. Before Shota came along he was the only 05 liner and Intak was and still is the only 03.


They decided to get some pizza since it was cheap and everyone liked it. Everyone likes pizza. They found a long table so three could sit one every side.

Everyone else had already sat down and made their orders while Jongseob ran to the toilet. While washing his hands he glared on himself through the mirror. If he was gonna be totally honest with himself it felt weird. It felt weird that he had caught feelings for another boy and told Intak about it. Jongseob had never been the type to put a label on himself, but with difference from the other he did always think he was straight, but if he caught feelings for someone he wouldn't think much about the gender.

He signed and felt his heart sink for a moment. It did feel like he didn't have a chance. Shota maybe was straight or he wouldn't catch feelings for Keeho like everyone else.

When he came out he found the other by the table. The food had already he arrived and he saw someone had ordered for him. He smiled seeing it.

There was a seat left for him in front of Shota.

It was fun to hang out with everyone. They would all try each other's drinks and food. Jiung and Intak had pineapple of their pizza disgusting the rest. Theo would call Intak disgusting many times making fun of him, but all with a blush in his face.


Okay I'm gonna update soon again since this chapter was pretty short and boring, but sometimes stories needs fillers 🤪🤪

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