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Jongseob closed the door to his room gently behind him. He didn't wanna make too much noise and wake up his mom.

The two boys had just arrived at Jongseob house.

"I don't think I'll be able to get a mattress, but my bed is pretty big so it shouldn't be any problem." Jongseob chuckled and turned around to watch the other boy.

He nodded standing in the middle of the room. "Yes." He could feel his heart raise at the though, sleeping next to Jongseob. His face got all warm.

"Okay. I'm gonna get you something to sleep in and a toothbrush."

Jongseob dragged a hand through his hair and sat down to take out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts from his wardrobe.

It was a black t-shirt with a print and some gray shorts.

"Will this be okay?" He looked up and smiled kindly.

"Of course." Shota said almost stuttering as he grabbed the clothes.

"Okay." Jongseob stood up. "I'm gonna go change and wash up and get your toothbrush, I'll be back in 10."

The boy walked out of the room closing the door gently behind him.

Shota stood for a moment with the clothes in his hands observing the room he was located in. The room was pretty empty. Some art works on the walls, and some photographs could be found.

He glanced on the clothes again. For some reason he felt nervous wearing the other's clothes but also exited.


Jongseob had entered his room again, telling Shota where the bathroom was and given him his new toothbrush.

He glared at his room for a second taking a deep breath. The boy felt nervous. It was the first time he was gonna sleep at his place. He had shared beds with his other friends many times but this time it felt different.

It was difficult to know exactly why it felt different, almost like he was nervous in the same way as being scared to fuck up on an exam.

Jongseob ran up to his bed to quickly fix the pillows and make it ready. He took a deep breath and just then the door opened slowly behind him.

"Hey." The long haired said.

"Hello." Jongseob turned around greeting him with a smile trying to hide the fact that he was nervous. "Are you tired?"

"Not really." He shook his head. Shota stepped in closing the door.

"We can watch a movie or something on my bed. We don't have school tomorrow so we can stay up for a while."


Jongseob chuckled awkwardly. He picked up his computer from from his brown table and put it down on the bed.

"You can sit down, no need to be shy." He slowly looked up at Shota.

"Okay." And they both sat down next to him.

Jongseob put to covers over them feeling his face warm up. He could almost hear his own heart beat.

"I just read the third book of maze runner. Is it okay if we watch the movie?" He asked quietly typing in his password with shaking fingers.

"Of course."

"O-okay." He answered.

Jongseob put on the movie. They sat quietly watching together with their shoulders touching each other's.

Jongseob couldn't help but feel the urge to just rest his head at Shotas shoulder. He slowly looked over at mentioned boy, scared he would notice him looking. His heart was beating so quickly he almost thought it would jump out of his chest.

The red haired studied the boys features. A bottom nose, boba eyes, long bleached hair. He found Shota very pretty.

Slowly looking down he saw the boy in his t-shirt. While he looked up again he couldn't help but feel so happy. And safe. Not feeling like he had to do anything extra to enjoy this moment with Shota, but he wanted to be closer. Closer than this. Jongseob wanted to wrap his arms around him and keep him close, he felt like he needed to.

Remembering how they walked to his place, hand in hand. The younger has never done something like that before and it all felt so right. Of course he would hug his friends and sometimes even hold hands, but not just the two of them in the dark. Shota really was his best friend. But sadly he didn't want him to be. Jongseob took a deep breath nervous breath. Fuck, I have a crush on Haku Shota.


A short update for y'all. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll try to update as soon as possible. I love y'all for giving me so much support

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