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"I am a bit worried for Jongseob." Theo said as the older boys where walking towards their train.

"Me too." The three others said at the same.

They where all walking with their hands in their pockets to warm them up as best as possible. The only light by the road was the lights on the side.

"He isn't the type to talk about it." Intak spoke and kicked some of the snow with his shoe. "I know he prefers handling it on his own, but he has Shota."

They all nodded at his statement.

"I just don't understand why he still lives with his dad sometimes though." Jiung spoke signing deeply after.

"I think his dad will be too upset you know." Keeho answered. "He still cares about his feelings."

Jiung nodded now.

"He will be okay, trust me." Intak said and put a hand on Theos shoulder.

The blond boy turned around to the other with a shook look on his face. Intak smiled and him and pulled him a bit closer.

Jiung and Keeho was watching it enjoying the show while Theo was smiling seeing Keeho smile.


Once again Shota had woken up in the middle of the night because of his younger sister. He already had trouble falling asleep and he didn't get happy when he got woken up. It had only been five hours of sleep for him this night because of his sister. He decided to not even talk to her in the morning.

During all the lessons he was yawning. Jongseob seemed worried. "You have to go to bed earlier." He said having the third book of Maze runner in his hand.

"I have trouble falling asleep and my sister came home at 3." Shota replied yawning again.

"At 3am?" He asked a bit loudly opening his eyes wildly.

Shota nodded. "Yes."

"You never got contact with her earlier?" The younger boy asked again.

He shook his head.

"What is she even doing?" He turned around to look at the other.

"She is with her boyfriend all the time."

"Oh." Jongseob glanced down.

It was quite for a moment.

"It's weird that she became so obsessed with him and always gets home late. Why can't they be at your place?" He asked.

Shota shrugged his shoulders. "She probably doesn't want mom to know, she is pretty critical when it comes to dating."

"I see. She has criticized you and you ex girlfriends?" Jongseob watched Shota who was resting against the wall.

He put a hand through his hair and glanced into the others eyes.

"Never had a girlfriend." He laughed.

Jongseob stared at Shota for a while. He got lost in his eyes. They where identical to boba he thought to himself, very pretty.

"I see." He said feelings his face getting warm. "Me neither." He glanced away.


"We haven't really settled down yet at home, it's a bit messy." Shota giggled nervously before he looked up the door to the apartment.

"Don't worry I totally understand." He smiled and put a hand on the others shoulder.

They walked into the apartment. It was a lot bigger than what Jongseob had imagined. There where one pair of shoes in front of the door, Jongseob guessed it was Shotas moms. He came to the conclusion his sister wasn't at home.

Looking up he saw a black haired woman smiling at him. She was walking towards him. Jongseob smiled and bowed lightly.

"Thank you so much for letting me be here."

She giggled. "Of course Jongseob, you seem to be a lovely boy, I'm so happy Shota could find a friend so quickly, it has been hard for him before."

Jongseob got taken aback by her words. "He is a super nice boy, I don't understand why." He smiled awkwardly at her.

"Yes yes he is, I'll tell you boys when the food is ready." She smiled wildly and walked into the kitchen.

The two boys walked into Shotas room. It was filled with air Jordan's, and some pictures on the wall.

"You like Jordan's?" Jongseob asked inspecting his shoes.

"Yeah." The boy answered.

"That's super cool, I have only seen you where the back and white ones, you should try to other too, they would be cool with your outfit." He answered.

"Thank you."

Jongseob turned around to him.

"You felt uncomfortable because of what you mom said?"

He nodded. "It's okay, she means well but yeah I understand. She seems very nice."

He nodded. "Yes."

Jongseob laughed.

Shota looked at him with confused eyes. "Why are you laughing?" He coding help but starting to giggle as he finished the sentence.

"I don't know, you are just cute."

Both of the started laughing and just at that moment the food was ready.

Shotas mom had cooked some ramen. She placed it on the table and told them to sit down and enjoy the food.

"You haven't heard anything from you sister, Shota?" She asked taking some soup in Jongseobs plate.

He shook his head. "She is out again."

"Do you know with who?" The woman sat down.

Their was an awkward tension in the air. Jongseob was very confused. It felt like he wasn't supposed to hear this conversation.

"Anyways, let's forget about that now." Shotas mom smiled. She looked at Jongseob. "What do you do in your free time?"

He smiled awkwardly. The boy found it awkward how she tried to switch the conversation topic.

"I like to read a lot and yeah hang out with friends sometimes." He chuckled after he finished the sentence.

"That's lovely. I'm so happy you and Shota became friends." She smiled.

She seemed genuine when she spoke. It made Jongseob happy.

"Shota is a super nice boy, I'm happy I became friends with him."

Mentioned boy turned to look at Jongseob. He had a light blush on his face.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes of course."

And they all started laughing.

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