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"Did you have fun at Keehos place?" Jongseob mom was sitting in front of the tv while he stepped into the apartment.

"Yes, we watched a movie." He answered putting away his shoes.

Without hesitation the first thing he did was grabbing a glass of water. He didn't drink a lot of water at Keehos house.

"That's nice." She said.

Her eyes where still glued on the tv. Jongseob walked over to see what she was watching. It looked to be some cheesy kdrama. He didn't mind them, he just found it annoying how she was always escaping through watching different shows. He signed and put away his glass to run up to his room.


It had only been some days since the movie night at Keehos place. Jongseob sat in his bed with two books in front of him doing his best writing down different numbers in his note book. He had to erase the answers almost every time. The outcome was always wrong. Rolling his eyes he let out a deep sign. He felt miserable. Why didn't he understand? The boy later down and took out his phone.

He went into the message app to text Shota. Jongseob was aware he wasn't the best at math either but maybe he could explain a bit to him.


Hey do you understand math?


Nope, I've given up


Oh okay


You okay Jongseob?

Jongseob smiled as he read it.


Yeah, just stressed


Are you at your dads place?

Jongseobs heart dropped a little as he saw the text but he did find it nice to text Shota, he was always so straight to point. It felt easy.


Nope, moms


Oh I wanted to ask if you would wanna meat up


I can, where do you wanna meat


Oh nice, school?


Yes, I'll be there in 15

Both the boys ran down stairs to tell their mom they where meeting for a bit. They threw on their shoes to take the next bus.


Shota arrived at the school first. He stepped out the bus to not find the younger boy. Shota signed. He slowly started walking towards the school playground to sit down on a bench. The boy rose from the cold. He was wearing his leopard printed jacket but it was still a bit cold since he didn't have any gloves on.

Quickly he hold hands with himself to do his best to warm them up. He could hear a buss stopping behind him. Turning around he saw Jongseob stepping out the bus. He was looking around to then see Shota. The boy smiled. He strolled towards him.

"Hey." He spoke. "I like your jacket."

Shota just waved as an reply and smiled. Next to him the younger sat down.

"How are you?"

"it's okay." Shota shook his head. "How are you?" He asked looking at Jongseob.

"Are you sure you are okay?." He gave him a worried look. "It could be better to be honest." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit stressed out." Shota said. "Has anything special happened?" His eyes didn't leave Jongseob.

"I'm a bit stressed." He turned his face towards Shota. The second they locked eyes he looked away.

"Is it school?"

The red haired nodded. "Yes and no."

"Same here."

Both the boys watched the snowy ground. They didn't speak for some seconds but weirdly it didn't feel awkward between them.

"I'm worried for my mom." The Japanese boy continued to speak.

Jongseob turned around to see the boy still looking down. He felt a bit helpless hearing his words.

"I'm sorry I just don't know who to talk to." He shook his head again after he spoke. "I'm sorry."

Shota couldn't help but feel regret. He never opened up to people about his problems, plus he had only known Jongseob for around 2 weeks maybe it was too fast. The thoughts about him leaving arrived in his mind.

"No Shota." He placed a hand on the boys shoulder. "I'm here for you."

Slowly Shota glanced at Jongseob. Jongseob was smiling. "Tell me what's making you worried."

"Thank you Jongseob."

The boys heart got warmer healing him saying his name.

"It's just." He paused for a moment. "She is stressed and it's making me stressed. She is always working so she can pay for me and my sister and-." He took a deep breath.

"What about your dad?"

They looked at each other. The blondes eyes told him he had mentioned something sensitive. Jongseob felt his heart sink and he took away his hands from the others shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He looked away.

"It's okay." He also looked away. "it's just he is the reason we moved."

"I'm really sorry, you shouldn't have to go through this."

It was quite for a moment as both of them just looked down and felt the snow falling down on their heads.

"I know things aren't easy for you either Jongseob."

Mentioned boy could feel his heart beat a bit faster as he spoke the words. He took a deep breath as his leg started jumping up and down.

"Y-yeah, but it's okay."

"I'm here for you too." Shota turned around to watch him.

Jongseob did the same thing with a small smile on his lips.

"I'm here for you too. I do care about you."

He was scared it was gonna sound wrong since they hadn't known each other for too long.

"I care about you too." Their was a few quite seconds. "Even if we haven't known each other for that long."

"Same here."


Sorry I didn't update I was on a trip. I'm going home later today. Idk if I like how this story is going, I hope I can make it better soon. But thank you all for the reads and votes

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