Chapter 36: Preliminary

Start from the beginning

"Wonder why?" I asked while leaning my body against the wall. At that time the first floor area was starting to get more crowded. I also saw our gym teacher sitting at a table near the window with a woman. It seems the café is also popular among the teaching staff and other employees.

"As I said earlier, I know you have reasons to defend that girl, but I'm still a little surprised why you even bothered getting involved. Especially after what happened to you not long ago?"

Same question all over again. "So you expect me to lay low?"

"Isn't that the most rational choice?"

"Indeed, but Satonaka won't be able to handle this alone. Apart from her, no one else is willing to help Nanahara." I gave the same answer I gave to Shiraishi a while later. "How about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"How does class A view this case?"

"Well... I have mixed feelings about this incident," Teiichi sighed. "I'm not very good at playing Sherlock Holmes, so I leave everything to Fujimori-san."

That explains why he let Fujimori explain everything. "So you won't be involved in the trial?"

"Actually, I still am, it's just that I won't be attending as a class A representative, but as a member of the student council." Oh? Does that mean Teiichi will be one of the judges? No, he's still a first year so maybe just as an assistant or something but still...

"Is that allowed? Your class is directly involved in this case, you know." Aren't all student council members expected to be impartial during the trial? But Satonaka didn't say anything to me.

"My job is only as moderator, the trial will be handled by Saionji-senpai,"


"You did not know? She is the vice president of the student council. She was present at your inquiry the other day..." Oh, I remember. She is the elegant silver-haired girl.

"Why not Dojima-senpai?"

"He was having some business outside of school, although we weren't told what is it."

Usually, students are not allowed to leave the whole school area. The only time you can leave school is on a field trip or if your club is taking part in a competition. However, as far as I remember, student council members were advised not to join other clubs—that was Dojima-senpai's own words—so I wonder what kind of business that made the student council president have to leave school? And why wasn't Teiichi, who is a member of the student council, informed? Oh, mind is starting to get distracted.

"Well, whatever... speaking of the trial, will Fujimori represent your class alone?"

"No, we haven't decided on another representative yet, but Seiji will most likely do it."

I remember that name. If I'm not mistaken, he's the famous half-foreigner from class A. I often hear girls talking about him, including my sister. I've never gotten to know him in person but maybe I've seen him once or twice in the cafeteria.

"Are you guys going to try to get all of them convicted?"

"Only if they are proven guilty. I'm sorry but we cannot allow students who use violence. Trying to persuade me is also useless..." he was right. It was useless to persuade him if he had no right to influence the decision during the trial.

"Maybe we should go back..."

"...Yeah, let's go back upstairs." I decided to talk about it later. Whatever Class A stands for will not change what we have to do. At least from what I saw they didn't insist on accusing either Nanahara or Shimada. Hopefully, that attitude will be maintained until the trial.

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