If I could explain

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Nothing feels hopeless until someone makes you feel like you're invisible or even stupid when you're trying your best regardless. These little things can't be assumed unless spoken out. Unfortunately, I don't know how to.


There are so many things in this world I regret,

From things I know, I wish I'd forget

Maybe we're all not so different after all,

For we all wish, there were people to listen,

People who understood our pain,

People who observed, but kept quiet,

People who cared and took small actions,

To make us feel comfortable.

Oh, I'm glad I have pages to write,

Pages to splatter out whatever the heart's pain,

Pages to rant about annoying people,

Pages to talk about things I couldn't otherwise explain.

Whispers of the Heart: Poems on Love, Gratitude and SorrowWhere stories live. Discover now