Falling Behind

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The sensation of falling behind is a universal experience. Whether it's struggling in academics, feeling distant in friendships, or stumbling in social interactions, it can cast a shadow of self-doubt. It's during these moments that we often question our worth and abilities, wondering if we're truly good enough. However, it's essential to remember that these feelings are just temporary. They can serve as catalysts for growth and self-discovery, ultimately helping us emerge stronger and more resilient on the path of life.


In a world so vast, in this life's relentless grind,

Despite my best efforts, I often feel left behind.

In social circles, where joy should reside,

I find it hard to connect, feeling somewhat denied.

Yet perhaps, I'm not the sole one to feel this way,

For it seems we all face these doubts someday.

In this pursuit of progress, a common bind we find,

Driven by the fear of falling behind.

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