Remembering Childhood

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Remember childhood days? The innocence we possessed is something we'd all like to remember and cherish all the moments we spent not worrying about the upcoming responsibilities we'd have to take when we grow up. One day, we all grew up and that was the last of our childhood. I'd be thankful I even I had one, given current situations around the world with wars and corruption, it's a far cry for these young children.


Looking through the balcony, down to the ground

Seeing my friends calling me around.

Skating my way about the fountain light

Running home, before dark, before night.

Who knew one day,

it'll be the last time we all played together.

Who knew one day,

it'll be the last time we all skate together.

Who knew one day,

it'll be the last time we argued with one another.

Who knew one day, 

we'd act like we don't know each other. 

And that's when you realise,

there's so much you forgot to do.

Counting stars in the sky,

All those new things you didn't try,

All those places you didn't hide,

All those paper planes you didn't fly.

And now we're all here reliving childhood,

in a corner we start to cry.

But don't be weary of the future,

Because there's still so much you can try.

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