Introvert's Echo

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Sometimes, we all hesitate to speak up because we're afraid of judgement, afraid of being criticised and mostly afraid of being left out. But sometimes, it's okay to keep thoughts to yourself. It helps us process what's right and wrong without the opinions of others giving us the ability to make our own decisions. The world doesn't need to know every single move we make, do they?


In depths of silence,

where thoughts find their role

In solitude, finding solace,

Poetry of the quiet soul.

Through words on a page, 

feelings take toll,

Taking over our speech,

heart, emotions and role.

With nothing left to say,

But all to be written.

If these poems are to be read,

At least, my voice will not be hidden. 

Whispers of the Heart: Poems on Love, Gratitude and SorrowWhere stories live. Discover now