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Our reflections in the mirror don't really reflect who we are, do they? A mirror can't tell you how smart you are. A mirror can't tell how brave or bold you are. But you can tell yourself that if you take enough time to analyse every aspect of yourself. But sometimes, we tend to hate ourselves for the person we really are. We hate our Reflection. Maybe it's time to change that, to love yourself the way you are, to love your REFLECTION.


A time, when I was as bold, as brave, 

As confident as people around me.

The mirror, the ultimate canvas of truth,

revealed my worth, something more than I knew.

But hate, it crept in, an unwelcome guest,

It consumed the mirror, as if it were possessed

The mirror that whispered of my potential,

Now reflected a judgement so essential. 

Soon enough, I hated each passing day,

Envious of perfection, in every single way,

I hated their ease, their social grace,

I hated everything, every single day.

Yet the mirror,  it spoke a twisted lie

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall", I'd come home and cry.

The hate soared, soared against perfection,

I hated everything, my face, my body and my Reflection.

I wondered, what could I do,

When I wasn't friends with my own reflection,

When I thought I didn't deserve affection,

Like people do.

But one day, the mirror spoke words new,

It said, "You are more than what they view."

Truth is, I'm not defined by what others see,

For the true mirror, is simply me. 

Whispers of the Heart: Poems on Love, Gratitude and SorrowWhere stories live. Discover now