(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 10

Start from the beginning

Phin: "Say 'alleeeeeeles'!"

Miles: "I am SO not saying that!"

With one wide smile, Rick took a picture. Resulting in the photo that was currently being held by Phin in the present time. 

New-Form: "Phin..."

Hearing the hoarse voice of her brother, Phin looked up to see Rick, who despite his augmented appearance, managed to show a look of concern towards his sister. 

New-Form: "Got something on your mind?"

Phin: "It's...nothing. I'm sorry for spacing out"

Unconvinced, New-Form walked over to Phin and spotted the picture that was in her hand before she hurriedly shoved it into her jacket pocket. 

Rick: *sigh* "You know, I wished things were the same as they were back then too"

Phin: "Really?"

Rick: *nods* "Every day. I've dreamt of the time we shared before all of this"

Rick walks to the invention, which is none other than Phin and Miles's energy converter.

Rick: "But once everything is set in motion..."

Rick focused on the Nuform placed in the invention before looking at his reflection.

New-Form: "And once we're done, we'll rid this city of Roxxon for good"

Every second he looks at his twisted self, the more his rage grows.

Phin: "But what about-"


Phin reels back, startled by Rick's sudden outburst. His body slowly shone bright blue.

New-Form: "They just keep taking, and taking. My research, my face, MY LIFE! It's because of them I-!"

As Rick whips around to face Phin, he is met with his sister's frightened expression. This was enough to quench his burning rage, as the lights started to dim down.

Rick: "Sorry you had to see that, Phin"

Phin: *shaken* "I-It's fine. I understand"

Rick took in a deep breath before looking back to Phin caringly.

Rick: "What were you gonna say?"

Phin: "I was just gonna ask what about Miles? He just joined The Underground recently and wondered how he'll fit in with the plan?"

At the mention of Miles's name, Rick's expression fell as his look of care turned to a look of sorrow. 

Phin: "Rick? What's wrong?"

Rick: "Phin, for the better, I think you shouldn't see Miles anymore"

Phin felt her heart get crushed as she stared at Rick with widened eyes.

Phin: "What!? But why!?"

Rick: "Just, trust me, Phin. He's not worth the trouble"

With a rub off his eyelids, Rick breathes a sigh before exiting the room. Leaving a saddened Phin to stand alone in the room in silence. A silence that was broken by the sound of her phone receiving a notification.


Hey, I'm by Trinity Church, got time to chat?

Conflict suddenly brews inside Phin. In her mind, the words from her brother remained fresh, but in her heart, there was a feeling of rebellion, a chance to do what SHE believed was the thing she wanted to do, regardless of what her brother said.

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