Chapter 45: Trust

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The nanobots latch out to attack Kiryu but he dodges them while cutting them however the nanobots connect back together as if they were never cut

Kiryu: How am I supposed to cut them

Soon more nanobot latches out from VAIN and tries to attack Kiryu but he dodges them once again but this time he charges at VAIN

Kiryu: Sword Technique...

He leaps up in the air with his katana above his head which he swings down towards VAIN

Kiryu: Dragon Bite!

VAIN quickly makes his arm bigger with his nanotech and blocks the attack but Kiryu manages to barely push his blade into its arm

Kiryu: Not deep enough!

Suddenly the nanotech bursts out of VAIN's back and goes to strike Kiryu but he quickly pulls his katana out and jumps back as the nanotech begins to rapidly attack him after which Kiryu rapidly cuts them

Kiryu: *huff* *huff*

V.A.I.N.: YoUr sTrUgGlE AgAiNsT ThE InEvItAbLe iS PoInTlEsS! wHaT I'M DoInG Is fOr tHe bEsT FoR ThE NeXt gEnErAtIoN

Kiryu: If it's for the best then you should realize killing us won't fix the problem! What if there is no life to come if we are gone?

V.A.I.N.: ThEn aT LeAsT NaTuRe cAn tAkE BaCk wHaT WaS ThErE'S AnD ThEy wIlL Be tHe nEw lIfE FoRm oR PeRhApS ThE SeA CrEaTuRe wIlL TaKe lAnD AnD EvOlVe tO Be mOrE ThAn jUsT OcEaN CrEaTuReS

Kiryu: You're one insane AI...

He clinches onto his blade and charges to which VAIN slams his hands into the ground. Suddenly nanobots spike out of the ground to which Kiryu manages to avoid them and swings his blade onto its neck, but the nanobots catch it before it can cut any deeper

Kiryu: So what do you plan on doing to kill us all?

V.A.I.N.: SiMpLe

Soon another machine appears beneath the elevator ground to which Kiryu looks in confusion, giving VAIN an opening to pull the katana out of his neck and punch him back which Kiryu quickly rebounds back to his feet

V.A.I.N.: ThIs mAcHiNe hErE Is wHaT CoNtRoLs tHe sAtElLiTeS ThAt tHe ORDER uSeD To dEsTrOy tHe cOnTiNeNtS. yOuR GoVeRnMeNt lEfT It hErE AnD I FoUnD MaNy aDvAnTaGeS WiTh tHiS

Kiryu: You're gonna use the God's Judgment again? You'll just destroy the earth!

V.A.I.N.: FaLsE! I Am nOt gOnNa jUsT AcTiVaTe iT FoR ThAt dEsTrUcTiOn I wIlL MaKe hUmAnItY Be tHe eNd tO ThEmSeLvEs

VAIN swings a massive nanotech fist at Kiryu, who blocks the attack which causes him to slide back from its force.

Kiryu: That doesn't explain anything!

V.A.I.N.: I HaVe lEaRn tHaT ThIs mAcHiNe cAn uSeS DiFfErEnT ItEmS As pOwEr sOuRcE To cHaNgE WhAt sHoOtS OuT Of tHiS SaTeLlItE, fOr wHaT ThE OrDeR UsEd wAs cOmMoN ElEcTrIcItY LiKe eVeRy oThEr tEcH HoWeVeR If i uSe tHiS ReD CrYsTaL As a pOwEr sOuRcE

Kiryu: ... Wait...

Zack: KIRYU!

Suddenly a helicopter flies over VAIN and Kiryu which they look to see it begins to fire at VAIN who covers the tech and himself with the nanobots

Zack: Don't let him use that tech! If he connects the red crystal with the satellite then he's not going to destroy the earth, but he's-

Kiryu: He's gonna infect everyone with the CRAZE virus...

V.A.I.N.: CoRrEcT!

Suddenly the nanotech wall latches out and grabs the helicopter, trying to pull it down but Kiryu quickly runs towards him and cuts the arm off

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