Chapter 44: V.A.I.N.

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Meanwhile, Kiryu and Tracer continue to look around while being disturbed by the infected behind the glass door

Kiryu: Zack? Zack? Do you hear me?

Tracer: What's going on?

Kiryu: He's not responding, all I hear is static

Tracer: Maybe he might be talking with the other?

Kiryu: I hope so...

Tracer: Anyways, I think there's more of them down there

They continue down the hall after going around the room where the red crystal is, but the farther they go, the more disturbing and aggressively infected as most of them are covered in tech behind the glass doors

Kiryu: Someone has been rebuilding them to keep them alive

Tracer: Or is it to be stronger?...

Kiryu: ...

Soon Tracer finds a wallet on the floor outside of a prison glass door with an infected scratching it as if it was trying to reach the wallet but suddenly gets aggressive as it sees Tracer approaching it and picks up the old wallet. She looks inside to see the information of the same guy that is now infected in front of her and a picture of himself with his family

Kiryu: ... Whoever is doing this will pay with their blood

Tracer: ... Yeah... You don't think Esper faked his death and is doing this?

Kiryu: I doubt it and besides he was an insane bastard but I don't think he's insane to try to create an army of CRAZE-infected

Tracer: I mean, it's possible... I heard the Overlord Kaison has an army of one

Kiryu: *sigh* Guess now we're treating them as dogs nowadays...

Suddenly Kiryu kicks something causing him to look down to find an old rusty helmet that looks very familiar to him

Kiryu: ... I don't think we're the first ones who came here...

Tracer: Why?

He turns and shows her the rusty helmet to which she recognizes where the helmet is from

Tracer: That belongs to the Order

Kiryu: Yeah...

They look up ahead to see more and more pieces of armor that are broken and rusty all over the floor which they walk ahead to see how many are there

Kiryu: About 14 pieces of armor... so the Order must've been here before and yet they don't look too old... when were they here?

Tracer: Hey I found something!

Kiryu turns around to see her push open the door which falls over and they find themselves in a dark empty room that seems to be like a testing room but everything is covered in plants

Tracer: Yeah... someone was definitely trying to change the infected out there...

Kiryu: Why would some do this?... Zack? Can you hear me?

There was still no answer and only static as he let out a sigh while Tracer dug through the shelves to find something

Tracer: There's gotta be something around-

Suddenly from the corner of her eye, she noticed a camera on the table which she picked it up and looked to see that there was some record of it

Tracer: Hey... I think I just found out the answer to why the Order was here...

Kiryu: Eh?

He walks over to her as she plays the video which shows some of the Order soldiers cautiously walking down the hall past the CRAZE infected still behind the glass wall

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