Chapter 26: SRF Invitation Card

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The clock on the wall read 9 PM as Ga-On anxiously waited for Yo-Han to return home.

Earlier, when the housekeeper had silently handed Yo-Han the mysterious invitation, Ga-On couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity mixed with concern.

As the minutes turned into hours, Ga-On decided to give Yo-Han space, hoping that he would return and share the details of the invitation and his sudden departure. Ga-On couldn't bear to suspect him without understanding the context of what was happening.

Exhaustion finally overcame Ga-On, and he drifted off to sleep on the couch, still dressed in his work attire. The room remained hushed, save for the gentle ticking of the clock.

In the middle of the night, Ga-On opened his eyes to see Elijah, her face etched with worry.

"Ga-On, Yo-Han is still not back. He's never stayed out like this before. I'm really worried."

Ga-On prepared a warm cup of tea for Elijah, the soothing aroma filling the room as he handed it to her, "You know, Elijah," Ga-On began, "it's clear that you actually like Yo-Han. You even helped him with the Seok-hoon case."

Elijah took a sip of her tea and chuckled. "I was mostly doing it for fun."

"You two are more alike than you think," Ga-On remarked, still grinning.

Elijah revealed that when she was just twelve years old, she had hacked into Yo-Han's computer out of curiosity

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Elijah revealed that when she was just twelve years old, she had hacked into Yo-Han's computer out of curiosity. In doing so, she stumbled upon a hidden folder that contained a form to cancel a donation—a revelation that sent shockwaves through Ga-On.

But that wasn't all she found in that secret folder. Her voice quivered as she continued, "I also found a pregnancy test result, Ga-On. It said that my dad was pregnant. I am sure Yo-Han never wanted a child and that's why did not hesitate to kill my dad."

Ga-On was taken aback by the revelation, his mind racing to comprehend the weight of what Elijah had just disclosed. The implications were staggering. Yo-Han, on that fateful night of the fire, was on the verge of becoming a father.

As Elijah's tears began to flow, Ga-On's heart ached with empathy. He realized the immense pain that Yo-Han had carried with him on that tragic night. Without hesitation, Ga-On reached out and embraced Elijah, holding her close as she cried.

Elijah sobbed, her emotions pouring out, "Yo-Han is the type who seems to destroy everything around him. I've heard the stories of what he was like as a kid, and... just look at what happened to my dad."


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