Chapter 5: Courtroom Revelations

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As the courtroom reconvened, Ga-on's interest was instantly piqued when the defense called a doctor to the stand. He couldn't help but think this was the person Kang Yo Han had arranged to meet secretly. 

The anticipation in the air was palpable as the doctor began to testify, acknowledging the presence of heavy metals in the water. The twist, however, was his argument that these metals could have come from various sources, not just the river. This testimony shifted the guilt vote from a resounding 70% to a somewhat shaky 50%.

In the midst of this tense scenario, Ga-on found himself unexpectedly playing detective again. He looked at Yo Han, and there was this proud, almost boyfriend-like smile on his face. Ga-on couldn't help but wonder what was going on in Yo Han's mind. "Is he trying to give me telepathic answers?" he thought with a bemused inward chuckle.

Ga-on's perseverance paid off as he managed to get the doctor to admit, albeit reluctantly, that the most common pollutant was cyanide. The defense tried to soften the impact by arguing that cyanide was only harmful in high concentrations. 

Ga-on's mind was racing as he listened, and he couldn't resist thinking, "Well, I guess cyanide isn't exactly a party guest's favorite."

The doctor patronizingly tells Ga-on he's the expert here, but before Ga-on can fire back, Yo-han puts a stop to the discussion. 

Ga-on's confusion mingled with his growing annoyance. His eyes locked with Yo Han's, his expression a mix of perplexity and irritation and whispers, "What are you---"

Kang Yo-Han cuts him off, " You must be tired after such a long testimony." he then turns towards the clerk ,"Please offer the doctor a glass of water?" he suggested, a subtle suggestion that held the promise of revealing something more.

Ga-on's gaze remained fixed on Yo Han, his perplexity deepening as the situation played out before him. 

As the doctor's lips touched the glass, Yo Han's concerned expression didn't go unnoticed by Ga-on. It was as if Yo Han was safeguarding a hidden truth, a truth that might change everything.

Just as Ga-on's mind raced with questions, Yo Han subtly asked the Clerk, "Hold on, that water... Are you sure it wasn't mixed up with that water sample?"

The doctor panics, spitting the water out, "What the hell!!"

Gasps rippled through the audience, mirroring the astonishment Ga-on felt deep within. The truth had been exposed, and Ga-on was left utterly surprised by the revelation that had unfolded before him. The pieces of the puzzle had fallen into place, and there was no denying the perilous nature of the river water.

The guilty votes climb past 90% as Chairman Ju's denials get more desperate. Yo-han pushes him into a corner, calling his actions murder by gross negligence. Chairman Ju changes tactics. He cries and apologizes, admitting he was told about the contamination but didn't think it cause so much pain.

In line with Attorney Ko's worst-case scenario, Yo-han confirms that Chairman Ju is admitting to professional negligence resulting in death. Ga-on realizes this was the outcome Yo-han worked toward all along.

Everyone is on the edge of their seats when Yo-han returns to announce the verdict. There's not enough evidence for intent to murder, but negligence is clear. The maximum sentence for professional negligence resulting in death is five years. Disappointment ripples through the crowd.

However, a recent bill allows Yo-han to deliver a cumulative sentence accounting for all victims. The lights go down, leaving only Yo-han dramatically illuminated. He reads all the victims' names while their pictures scroll on the screen. The family members in the gallery cry. Minister Cha watches from her office in wordless shock. The final vote: 97% guilty, 3% innocent.

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