Chapter 7: Unraveling Yo-Han's Past

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"Hey, can we meet up?" Ga-On's voice carried a hint of urgency.

Soo-hyun's coworkers exchanged knowing glances as they overheard her conversation. Her grin was enough to set their imaginations running wild – a secret date, they assumed. With a reassuring nod, Soo-hyun excused herself, her heart pounding with anticipation.

They met at a nearby convenience store, a place that had become their unofficial meeting spot. Ga-On's fingers toyed with his phone as he played the recording for Soo-hyun. The voice of Kang Yo-Han discussing the mysterious "doctor" echoed in the small space between them.

Soo-hyun listened intently, her brows furrowing slightly. "It's not that strange," she mused after the recording ended. "Witnesses change their testimony for various reasons. Survival, threats, pressure..."

"But this is Chairman Ju's case," Ga-On's voice was laced with frustration. "And it's not just about changing testimony. It's about the way Yo-Han manipulated it."

Soo-hyun leaned back against the plastic chair, her expression thoughtful. "Manipulation or not, it's not uncommon for lawyers to guide witnesses towards a certain narrative. It's how they build their case."

Ga-On's frustration simmered beneath the surface, his gaze locked on the table. "I can't shake the feeling that there's more to it," he admitted.

Soo-hyun sighed softly. "Ga-On, I get that you're passionate about seeking the truth. But be careful. Yo-Han is no ordinary lawyer – he's become a sort of national hero, and his reputation is built on more than just his legal skills."

A note of caution laced Soo-hyun's words, a reminder of the complexities surrounding Yo-Han. Ga-On's fingers tightened around his phone, his doubts and suspicions warring within him.

"You don't want to be on the wrong side of public opinion," Soo-hyun continued. "Don't let your pursuit of the truth blind you to the consequences."

His eyes widened as he saw the familiar sight of the speeding sports car, weaving dangerously through the traffic. "It's the same car that hit me!" Ga-On's exclamation was tinged with a mixture of shock and anger. The memories of his recent accident came rushing back, fueling his determination to put a stop to the reckless driver.

Beside him, Soo-hyun's eyes narrowed as she followed his gaze. Without a second thought, they both sprung into action. Soo-hyun's car was nearby, and they quickly got in, determination fueling their every move. The engine roared to life as Soo-hyun expertly maneuvered the vehicle onto the road, hot on the tail of the sports car.

The chase was on, and the streets became a blur of motion as they pursued Young-min's car. Ga-On's knuckles whitened as he clenched his fists, his heart pounding with a mix of adrenaline and frustration. Soo-hyun's focused expression revealed her determination to catch the reckless driver, her eyes locked on the road ahead.

But as the chase turned onto a highway, the challenge became evident. Soo-hyun's car struggled to keep up with the speed of the sports car, its power and agility proving to be a formidable opponent. Ga-On's grip on the seat tightened as he watched the gap widen between them and Young-min's car.

"We can't let him get away," Ga-On's voice was laced with a fierce resolve. Soo-hyun's jaw was set in determination, her fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly.

With a determined acceleration, Soo-hyun pushed the car to its limits, weaving through traffic with a calculated precision. But the distance between them and Young-min's car remained, a constant reminder of the challenge they faced.

A third car suddenly appeared on the scene, injecting a new layer of drama into the already intense chase. Ga-On's eyes widened as he saw Yo-Han's car fly past Soo-hyun's, the flashing lights a daring challenge to Young-min. The reckless driver, fueled by his own arrogance, took the bait, and soon they were driving neck and neck, their cars almost touching.

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